Many moons ago, my college roommate wanted to go deer hunting (he had never been before), so he got a tag and I put him on prime ground. Went out the night before to show him the stand and where the deer most likely would be coming through. Had went skeet shooting with him and he couldn’t hit a thing, so figured combine that with him not truly knowing what he was doing (and combining it with the group staying up until 2am drinking), never figured he would get a deer. He wandered out before dark, and probably 15 minutes after the sun came up, I heard two shots from the house. Other buddy said “I think that was him. Should we go check?” I responded with “remember how he shoots? Doubt he hit anything but a tree.” Half hour later, roommate comes tromping through the door, out of breath, blood pouring from his nose. “I got a deer! Missed the huge one, but didn’t get my gun raised in time to get a shot off!” Asked him what happened to his nose and he proceeds to tell me he was in such a rush to get a shot off, he didn’t have the butt against his shoulder, so it kicked back and hit him in the face! We wandered out, and sure as shit, he nailed a beautiful 13 point buck, right in the spine! Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good, I guess!