I would like to pay my respects to Frank Broyles who passed today. I hope it is okay to do so on this forum. He was one of the all-time greats in college football coaching, and a great human being. I was blessed to have him as a good friend back in the 50's when he was coaching at Georgia Tech. At that time I considered him to be one of the the smartest x's and o's coaches ever, and I've never wavered from that opinion. Over the many years since those times, all of them at Arkansas, he proved himself to be an all-round football guru, a player's coach, a coach's coach, a great administrator, and ambassador for the University of Arkansas, college football, and sports in general. He also did so much work in supporting the Alzheimer's cause. His wife died 20 years ago from Alzheimer's and in the end he succumbed to it, himself. He will be missed by the college football world and by the world in general. Blessings on Frank and his family and friends.