FSU the next pipeline for the NE Patriots


Sep 25, 2004
Good Boston Herald article showing that the Pats hit a home run with Stork and covet the 4 OL available in this year's draft.

I remember a few years back (maybe 10 years ago), Lou Holtz stated that there are so many FSU players in the NFL, was partly because they were coached so well in college with the intangibles, that FSU players were all competent with the basics, including tackling and blocking.

Being a Raiders fan in New England and listening to Boston radio, it was nice to hear all of the good things that were said of Stork. The NE OL started to gel around game 4 or 5, and that's when I believe Stork was introduced to the starting lineup and Logan Mankins was traded just before the season started.

Mike Felger, in the two weeks before the Super Bowl, that it was imperative that Stork was healthy and available for the Super Bowl and Stork was the player that the Pats would miss the most if he was not available, basically he stated that they probably wouldn't win with Stork sidelined, and this is a Boston press that eats their own, even when winning (see Tony Massarotti still killing the 2013 Red Sox).

This post was edited on 2/19 11:50 AM by Manch.

NE's minor league club
I went to high school in Washington St, our mascot was the Flying Elvis Patriot, the good ole red, white and blue. Also, Drew Bledsoe was a local hero and Seahawk fans wanted the local kid to get drafted by the home town NFL team. Not I. I couldn't stand the bandwagon Seahawk fans and didn't think they deserved a great college player like Bledsoe (I was sucked in by the Tebow like coverage of Drew growing up). I liked him and decided I'd root for whatever team he went to and that happened to be the Bill Parcel led Pats. Curtis My Favorite Martin, Ben Winter Coats, Brian Cox.......I became a pseudo Patriots fan and watched the Seahawks draft Rick Mirer our of Notre Dame.

As the years went on and my true fandom was defined by being an FSU student, I really stopped rooting for my two NFL teams (49ers - Cali kid first). But what really really turned me off of the Patriots was Bill Belichick's incessant need to trust Urban Meyer's opinion on former uf players and BB's desire to always draft former uf players. Couldn't stand it.

Now, if they can open up a pipeline to FSU w/ Stork and it looks like Bobby Hart and Tre Jackson have interviewed w/ the Patriots, things might correct themselves.
I wouldn't say that 1 outstanding player constitutes a future pipeline..
If not mistaken,they could have drafted Benjamin as well?I was hoping they would, but of course they didn't.