Georgia drug cops raid retiree’s garden, seize okra plants

What a massive waste of resources and money. Only good thing is no innocent civilians were shot or injured.

"The task force is funded by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program (DCE/SP). These federal funds are asset forfeiture funds and are administered by the Georgia Department of Public Safety."

So its kind of a government jobs program, wherein they take money from people with drugs, and use it to fund taking more money from people with drugs.
There's a probably a line item in the budget for plaques, etc. to commemorate the achievements as well.
I must have missed this thread.

My wife's grandparents have a very large farm. A large chunk of the land would be leased out for corn from time to time. One year the grandmother answered a knock at the door and the driveway was full of police and such. Come to find out someone had planted pot plants on the back side of the property. Apparently, the grandmother was able to handle the situation a lot easier than this wimp in the video, who I'm sure hired legal counsel after this traumatic experience.