Golf looks way more exciting in South America

Couple things
Gary Player would probably smack you for saying his Country Club was in South America
Probably carry a couple extra sleeves of balls for that course. I am not looking for any ball in that rough
Crap, wrong continent. Something on this #%!#% site clashes with the antivirus program on my office computer, typing posts is so slow I get aggravated & lose my train of thought.
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The wrong continent freaked me out too...I was like "Crap, they're getting closer!"

Kind of like the killer bees that were supposed to get us all when I was a kid. They were always "getting closer".
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And on the subject, my wife and I were just discussing the Riki Tiki Tavi cartoon a couple nights ago. For some reason, we were shown that cartoon in school, apropos of nothing in particular, once a year from about 1st grade through middle school.

I thought it was just our low class school, maybe it was the only movie they had or something, but my wife had the same experience and she went to a fancy pants school.

Was that just a local thing, or is that something that Generation X-ers experienced elsewhere, repeated forced viewing of that Riki Tiki Tavi cartoon?

And by the way...the Donovan song Riki Tiki Tavi is awesome.
I saw Riki Tiki Tavi in elementary school too. Don't remember what year or if it was more than once, but we definitely watched it in class. Maybe it's a Northern thing, as I grew up in NY too. I also remember watching the animated Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe multiple times in school. It actually gave me nightmares, although I liked it. Guess some of the scenes were a little intense. I wish I could remember some of the other movies I saw, but I only remember snippets of them. Looking back, some of them were pretty borderline as far as depicting graphic or upsetting material. That's the only reason I even remember them to this day. Like the one with the boy who had a blind dog that he loved, but his dad thinks the dog is a burden tries to drown it in a lake when the kid isn't home. Dad ties a rock to the dog and throws it over the side of a row boat. Boy finds out and somehow gets to the dog in time to rescue it. But I was always very sensitive about animals, and that scene just about wrecked me.
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And on the subject, my wife and I were just discussing the Riki Tiki Tavi cartoon a couple nights ago. For some reason, we were shown that cartoon in school, apropos of nothing in particular, once a year from about 1st grade through middle school.

I thought it was just our low class school, maybe it was the only movie they had or something, but my wife had the same experience and she went to a fancy pants school.

Was that just a local thing, or is that something that Generation X-ers experienced elsewhere, repeated forced viewing of that Riki Tiki Tavi cartoon?

And by the way...the Donovan song Riki Tiki Tavi is awesome.

Funny. I don't remember it all from growing up, but my daughters just read the story and had to do some stupid project (or rather more exactly, Daddy had to help them with said stupid project), so I am inclined to dislike it immensely.
Curious, do they have cobras in S. America?

Nope, only Africa and Asia. But they do have the Fer-de-lance and Rattlesnakes in South America. Plus the Bushmaster. Damn fine eating.
