Golson.... better than we thought from game one and finally getting the system.
Defense: .... surprising... inviting... dignifying... doing good despite injuries. BETER THAN LAST YEAR.
Jimbo:... coaching better than ever.. a divorce will make a man mad.
Recruiting: #3 in the country. Hopefully in the best places.
Oline: re defining finally the right guys in place.
facts not opinions.
Not a fact but, I am hoping....Watch Georgia Tech get it's fourth destruction from superior opposition.
Defense: .... surprising... inviting... dignifying... doing good despite injuries. BETER THAN LAST YEAR.
Jimbo:... coaching better than ever.. a divorce will make a man mad.
Recruiting: #3 in the country. Hopefully in the best places.
Oline: re defining finally the right guys in place.
facts not opinions.
Not a fact but, I am hoping....Watch Georgia Tech get it's fourth destruction from superior opposition.