Holmes and Watson.....


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Dec 10, 2003
Should I go see this in the theatre? I loved step brothers and talladega nights.

I was really hoping this would at least be a decent movie, but reviews have been terrible.

If anyone has seen this give me the heads up.

Thanks ahead of time.
I was told that it was pretty bad and not worth watching in the theater.
If you're familiar with the Holmes Canon, you'll like a lot of the inside jokes. Beyond that, the plot is beyond ridiculous, such as it is, and it's more slapstick comedy than anything else. I liked it, 'cos I'm a Sherlock devotee, but it's not up to Stepbrothers or Ricky Bobee level.
From the trailers we saw at the theater, it looks terrible and not worth the time or money. I did not find any of the clips they showed to be even remotely humorous.
I imagine this is going to be like Step Brothers and other WF movies...stupid, but will get better each time one watches it...and eventually you'll find yourself quoting lines from it.
It was horrible and I wouldn't recommend it at all.
Watching grass grow could be more entertaining.
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I dunno how someone like Will Ferrell winds up doing movies like this. I suppose the obvious answer is "paycheck" but if he's going to get paid, why not work with legitimate scripts.