Hotel rates


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Mar 29, 2002
Hotel rates in Tally are now reflecting more realistic pricing - I paid $50 a night less for the same hotel for the weekend of 10/17 than I did for the GT game.
If we continue to struggle and capacity remains as it is now I may even be able to afford a room for Clemson.
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You can get a nice Hilton room in NYC this weekend for $92 and just a little more for Chicago. $79 in Vegas. But Tuscaloosa is running close to $200 per night. A lot of hotels and restaurants will be among the big losers in this thing. Bigger hotels like the Palmer House in Chicago have already closed down.
Hotel rates in Tally are now reflecting more realistic pricing - I paid $50 a night less for the same hotel for the weekend of 10/17 than I did for the GT game.
If we continue to struggle and capacity remains as it is now I may even be able to afford a room for Clemson.
Well isn't that special! Really push for the rooms with the enlarged bathrooms and vanities, too. Some have specialized smooth marble for all your toiletry pleasures and what not. I've already got my specialized room for Clemson, too. At the various Marriotts throughout the greater metro Tallahassee area, ask for the Tiger Room. I've used my corporate code 218 and have had great success in the past.