Let's see....two degrees, three hats, two polos, two ties, about a dozen tees, two car flags, one house flag, two pairs of shorts, a football signed by Bobby Bowden on a one panel image of him and on the brown panels signed by Mark Richt, Mickey Andrews and the aTm traitor plus several other assistants, 3 posters signed by our Heisman winners, a couple of other posters signed by players over the years, a bunch of FSU related mugs and beer glasses, and a license plate.
At my current house I don't have a bar or mancave big enough for the FSU paraphernalia to be displayed so it's all in storage at the moment. My current mancave is actually just a retro video game hub/office with five tvs and roughly 60 video game consoles from the Magnavox Odyessy circa 1972, first Pong release and first Nintendo Systems (Color TV Game 6 not the Famicom or NES like most people believe) all the way up to the previous generation XBox 360 (I have an Artoo unit and the standard white), Wii U (Zelda version), and PS3 (standard slim as well as a gold Ni No Kuni import from Japan) as my current gen systems (white Xbone S, PS4 Pro in glacier white and Switch modded by me to have a clear case and a white dock) are on my new 75" 4K tv with Sonos play base surround sound in the living room. In the mancave I've got my old 60" 1080p plasma tv with a Harman Kardon Aura speaker/sub hooked up to consoles that can hook up to hdmi ports like the previous gen, and modern retro systems like my Super NT (black instead of the clear one I wanted), and Retron 5. I've got a 29" Sony Trinitron which is the best commercially made CRT for the middle generation systems NES up to PS2/XBox which can also work with the various light gun games from that era unlike modern LCD screens (or even plasma or rear projection). I've got a completely transparent 13" tv intended for prisons for the older systems that use RF ports like the Magnavox Odyssey, Pong and other discrete circuit systems, Atari 2600/7800 etc... And I've got a batman themed tv and DVD player that works with my Japanese import systems that need component plus channel 95 to work like my Famicom Duo by Sharp that plays regular Famicom carts and the FDS disks, the Epoch Super Cassette Vision and Sega SG-1000 systems. I've also got a Vectrex and Nintendo Virtual Boy set up that have their own built in displays. So my mancave is full of video game and monitors with no room for FSU stuff on display.
And that's the only room in my house that I allow tacky stuff on display, the rest of the house has designated artwork styles where FSU paraphernalia doesn't fit in. My living room and kitchen is all white, green and blue themed Highwayman style artwork of beach and seascapes, a couple original Highwaymen pieces and most are newer in that style (the largest piece over my fireplace was on display at the Tally Capitol for awhile and done by a still living artist in the Big Bend). My dining room is all teal and tan dominated pieces by Navajo, Apache and Zuni artists with kachina (spirits/gods) and food as subject matters done in a surreal rather than realistic or impressionistic manner, all that I've picked up in Arizona myself over the years. Our guest bedroom is mainly red and gold dominated Japanese artwork from multiple century old rice paper prints I've framed to various Satsuma era pottery and some modern surrealistic paintings of old Samurais and/or geishas/mistresses. My master bedroom is all new mainly earthtones and darker primary colors artwork done by modern American artists I've picked up over the years at art shows and galleries which can either be described as surrealistic images done in an impressionist style or impressionist painters who got really really high and started to incorporate surreal elements into their paintings. The hallways and staircase have my own photography "art" from my various trips.