Originally posted by VirginiaNole:
Originally posted by Democratic Nole:
Originally posted by VirginiaNole:
So as I said earlier, even though one or both of your parents are nut jobs, make the effort to talk with them regardless, they are your parents and you will miss them tremendously when they are gone.
I could not disagree with this more as a general sentiment. Now certainly, some people's definition of nut jobs or crazy is different, but I don't think one should have to endure misery from another person just because they are a parent or family member.
My Dad died in 2007 when I was 22 and I do miss him a lot. He was a rock and one of the few consistent things in my life.
My mother is not a very good person and much of her life story is very tragic in my opinion. She is extremely neurotic, histrionic and I think may suffer from bipolar disorder. Throughout my childhood, I was forced to deal with the drama and chaos that surrounded her life. Once I became an adult and she did not have the ability to exert financial or other means of control, I basically told her things were going to be different. I communicated to her the ground rules that I expected her to abide by if we were going to maintain a relationship. She managed to break every one of them. At some point, if people aren't going to change, you have to make a decision if you want to continue to have them in your life. I made the decision that I wasn't going to continue to put up with her crap and I wasn't going to subject my spouse or future children to that continued craziness. I stopped talking to her 5 years ago and there's not a been a single day where I have missed it.
For my wife, she probably talks to her mom a few times a week. She doesn't talk to her Dad a whole lot on the phone. We usually visit with her parents once every couple of months.
To each his own, I get it.
Your description of your mother actually fits mine pretty close. I did the same thing as you and laid down the law on several occasions. Given time, we revert back to the same crap. The thing that always got me when she kept asking about money and such, I would always say no, she would boohoo and blame her life's misery on everything but her. She was a heavy smoker, whenever she asked for money, I would always tell her, before I even discussed it, she would have to prove to me she could quit smoking, permanently. I knew she would fail every time, then blame it on someone or something else....never her fault. My thoughts on this were simple, if you don't have any money, quit smoking, that's got to be $300 month in savings.
Sounds like we had some common issues, I just chose to keep her around for the Grand Kids sake, thought that was a better plan then cutting the line altogether.