A. We do not have JW can be positive because everyone and their mother got up to play him, so that adrenaline will not be in play
B. their oline struggled mightily against Maine, yes Maine. They are young and small, the departing oline was good and did very well against us, this freshman line will be like a deer in headlights, plus our Dline is better.
C. Our oline is good and they are spooked by Cook, cook is unstoppable, give him a crease and he is gone.
D. Special teams-need I say anything
The weather is perfect too and their fans are docile. I am not buying the BC mystique this year.
All that for me and I have more equals 55-10 Noles.
B. their oline struggled mightily against Maine, yes Maine. They are young and small, the departing oline was good and did very well against us, this freshman line will be like a deer in headlights, plus our Dline is better.
C. Our oline is good and they are spooked by Cook, cook is unstoppable, give him a crease and he is gone.
D. Special teams-need I say anything
The weather is perfect too and their fans are docile. I am not buying the BC mystique this year.
All that for me and I have more equals 55-10 Noles.