Has anyone else been following this story. A guy intentionally plowed into a man and his two young kids riding bikes on the sidewalk on Sunday killing the father and seriously hurting one of the kids. Turns out the guy who did it is a former all American track athlete who has spiraled down into mental illness over the past few years. I'm not a mental health professional but sounds a lot like schizophrenia (talking about being controlled by the devil, onset in early mid 20s). His mother posted something on Instagram saying they "pleaded" with mental health professionals to not release him after he himself had shown up at the police station saying he was a danger to others. They did anyway and just a few days later he ran into this family. Pretty tragic story all around. I'd be interested to hear UCLAs take on it. http://www.tampabay.com/news/public...-plea-for-mental-health-care-reform_169486980