We spent the TG holiday vacationing with family in N. Ga. One of the days my daughter and SIL and grandson and I went to a gem mining/ stock fish pond/ mini golf tourist trap. I never have my cell phone location turned on unless I am using the map/driving feature so it was turned off. While at the trap my cell ph stayed in the truck, I never used a credit card, did not pay for anything and never entered the store of the place. We were on our way back to the cabin when I got a beep I had a message. When we stopped at a store I sat in the truck and checked the message. It was a survey from the place(trap) asking me to rate my experience. Now how did they know I was there and how did they get my cell ph. number and email address? My SIL who can't breathe without a cell ph or Ipad in his hand said the ph does not have to be turned on and it will still emit a GPS signal. IS that correct? If it is true then who and why are they tracking us?
After the store stop we headed back to the cabin and on the way we were following a SUV of the make my wife is considering for her near future new car. My daughter and I started talking about the car and whether I liked it or not. At no time on the trip did I use my cell for anything other than to check the message about the review. Later when I did open up the ph to get my WC addiction for the day the first thing that popped up was an advertisement and info about the car we had been talking about. About the only thing I ever use the ph for other than making calls is reading WC during my lunch break or checking the sea forecast for diving purposes and taking pics. I have never used it for a car search or anything else such as that. I have never put much stock into big brother listening in our devices to spy on us but this experience makes me wonder if they are not listening in then how in the world did they get the info they did?
After the store stop we headed back to the cabin and on the way we were following a SUV of the make my wife is considering for her near future new car. My daughter and I started talking about the car and whether I liked it or not. At no time on the trip did I use my cell for anything other than to check the message about the review. Later when I did open up the ph to get my WC addiction for the day the first thing that popped up was an advertisement and info about the car we had been talking about. About the only thing I ever use the ph for other than making calls is reading WC during my lunch break or checking the sea forecast for diving purposes and taking pics. I have never used it for a car search or anything else such as that. I have never put much stock into big brother listening in our devices to spy on us but this experience makes me wonder if they are not listening in then how in the world did they get the info they did?