Invites to the white house

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Seminole Insider
Nov 26, 2008
Along the lines of not standing for the national anthem do you think sports teams should be invited to the White House?

Please understand this door swings both ways politically depending on the individual player and who is prez

I will use the latest as an example, Kevin Durant

He states he won't go cause he doesnt like who is prez


But why not go and talk to the prez and go over your concerns? Why not try to get some understanding and possibly make some positive changes by speaking directly with the man in charge

To me making a statement to the press does nothing but point to " me", look at me

Hell thats the easy way out, real men sit and hash things out

How about setting me aside and step out of your comfort zone , voice your concerns and possibly make a difference for all?

That's it

Other than I am still pissed the Noles national champs were not invited to the White House
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1. Mixing sports and politics is stupid.
2. It's more stupid that teams are invited to the White House in the first place.
3. 1 & 2 notwithstanding, if you get the invite, I think you should go. I mean just for the novelty of the whole thing, to say, "I was invited to the White House" and/or "I met the President" regardless of who that President is.
4. Obviously if you don't want to go, then don't go though. No skin off my back.
The White House visit is symbolic/honorary. The President walks in, says a few words, takes a photo with the team and is off again. It's not like they sit down and talk policy for an hour.
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The White House visit is symbolic/honorary. The President walks in, says a few words, takes a photo with the team and is off again. It's not like they sit down and talk policy for an hour.
About to say the same thing. I'm guessing the POTUS isn't going to listen to how Durant and Curry want to make changes. I have a feeling most of the Warriors will be passing on that trip.
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College teams I understand but professional sports teams visiting the White House seems a bit silly. But...if your team is invited you should go.
About to say the same thing. I'm guessing the POTUS isn't going to listen to how Durant and Currh want to make changes. I have a feeling most of the Warriors will be passing on that trip.

Plus you are tacitly supporting the president when you show up. I wouldn't suggest not showing up just because they're on the opposite party. Most Republicans and Democrats no matter how unliked or against your personal politics are still Americans first, want America to succeed and in general aren't a serious danger to the US.

I personally wasn't around for Nixon as I was born after Carter was elected so in that time there's only been one and only one president I would not show up to tacitly support. I'll let you guess who. No, not Reagan.
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I would go regardless of who is sitting in the office.

A lot of athletes are now millenials and are okay with openly disrespecting just about everything.

I think there is a limit to who you can support even just in the least amount like "not disrespecting the office". Otherwise you might as well sign up for the next Reicht as I'm sure a lot of the previous generation of Nazis didn't support all that Hitler had to say and just went along with it.
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Plus you are tacitly supporting the president when you show up. I wouldn't suggest not showing up just because they're on the opposite party. Most Republicans and Democrats no matter how unliked or against your personal politics are still Americans first, want America to succeed and in general aren't a serious danger to the US.

I personally wasn't around for Nixon as I was born after Carter was elected so in that time there's only been one and only one president I would not show up to tacitly support. I'll let you guess who. No, not Reagan.

And ask us if we care, mmmkay?

There....I finally said it.
I think there is a limit to who you can support even just in the least amount like "not disrespecting the office". Otherwise you might as well sign up for the next Reicht as I'm sure a lot of the previous generation of Nazis didn't support all that Hitler had to say and just went along with it.

IBTL but just stop it. You're still young and I prefer your travelogues.
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This is BS.

That showing up for photo ops is implied support? That's the whole point of the photo op. The people get to be treated to the hospitality of the White House and meet the president in exchange for a pic where the president at the time can say "See voters! I like basketball just like you do and hang out with Micheal Jordan."

There's literally no other reason for them.

I think its honorary but silly for sports teams to go and be congratulated.
littleitch, you must be really confused about the athletes getting facetime to talk about issues

Not gonna address the rest.
I don't think I want Kevin Durant, Steph Curry or The Donald sitting down to try to solve domestic social and/or economic problems. Not exactly the Algonquin Roundtable there...
I don't think I want Kevin Durant, Steph Curry or The Donald sitting down to try to solve domestic social and/or economic problems. Not exactly the Algonquin Roundtable there...

Why not? Dennis Rodman is the only reason Lil Kimmie hasn't tried to nuke us.
So you don't want to go then don't

Just don't go

Don't ruin the experience for teammates that want to go

Whatever happened to " if you can't say nothin nice don't say anything at all"?

I would go to enjoy it, plus maybe get an up close with ivanka or the First Lady!!!
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