When you think about it, every time one of our Noles has been in a negative spotlight recently-the Gators have gone out of their way to bash us sanctimoniously and compare their "clean and honorable" program to ours. It is eerie how many times that after they begin their holier-than-thou crap-they have one of their own in a similar or worse situation than ours.
Jameis is of course what keeps them up at night and is the continual target. A recent Gate poster compared Grier and his transgressions to those of Jameis and indicated that their guy was being treated unfairly.
But not long after Jamies was castigated by Gators for an alleged sexual assault, the QB who is actually starting for UF this Saturday found himself in the middle of a sexual assault case. Nevermind that 3 separate entities concluded that there was not enough evidence to charge JW. Nevermind that Treon's accuser caught so much hell she had to back down yet never backed away from her right to revisit the case. Nevermind that Treon and some teammates were later pulled in a vehicle with weed-but got off because it wasn't his car.
They trashed Jameis-and Aaron Hernandez soon hit the news.
They mocked Jameis for his crab leg hook-up-and 3 gators later skipped out on their tab at a Hogtown bowling alley -with the amount of the transaction in question more than the alleged tab in Jameis case for one of the players.
Jamies is a scum bag for repeating a foul internet meme on campus. Their Coach goes off on one of his players on national TV and drops the F bomb five times.
They mocked us for two high-profile cases of abuse against women this Summer. In one case, our guy was found not guilty and the evidence was shaky at best. In the other-the player was immediately dismissed even though the tape seems to indicate that the alleged victim was also an aggressor to some degree.
Now- a Gator is in jail for firing a gun near the head of his pregnant girlfriend.
All programs have a majority of fine young men who are credits to their University. All have some who are on the edge.
I just have grown tired of the folks who follow the Gators try to act as if their slate is squeaky clean. If anything-their baggage is heavier than ours-although the press has magnified ours. Heck, when ESPN camps out on your campus looking for dirt and turns a blind eye to other schools, it adds to the perception.
Rant over. I am not proud of some of the things our players have done. But damn if I am going to continue to allow UF fans to stick their tarnished halos in my face. The national and state press sure won't stick up for this argument so maybe its time we did.
Jameis is of course what keeps them up at night and is the continual target. A recent Gate poster compared Grier and his transgressions to those of Jameis and indicated that their guy was being treated unfairly.
But not long after Jamies was castigated by Gators for an alleged sexual assault, the QB who is actually starting for UF this Saturday found himself in the middle of a sexual assault case. Nevermind that 3 separate entities concluded that there was not enough evidence to charge JW. Nevermind that Treon's accuser caught so much hell she had to back down yet never backed away from her right to revisit the case. Nevermind that Treon and some teammates were later pulled in a vehicle with weed-but got off because it wasn't his car.
They trashed Jameis-and Aaron Hernandez soon hit the news.
They mocked Jameis for his crab leg hook-up-and 3 gators later skipped out on their tab at a Hogtown bowling alley -with the amount of the transaction in question more than the alleged tab in Jameis case for one of the players.
Jamies is a scum bag for repeating a foul internet meme on campus. Their Coach goes off on one of his players on national TV and drops the F bomb five times.
They mocked us for two high-profile cases of abuse against women this Summer. In one case, our guy was found not guilty and the evidence was shaky at best. In the other-the player was immediately dismissed even though the tape seems to indicate that the alleged victim was also an aggressor to some degree.
Now- a Gator is in jail for firing a gun near the head of his pregnant girlfriend.
All programs have a majority of fine young men who are credits to their University. All have some who are on the edge.
I just have grown tired of the folks who follow the Gators try to act as if their slate is squeaky clean. If anything-their baggage is heavier than ours-although the press has magnified ours. Heck, when ESPN camps out on your campus looking for dirt and turns a blind eye to other schools, it adds to the perception.
Rant over. I am not proud of some of the things our players have done. But damn if I am going to continue to allow UF fans to stick their tarnished halos in my face. The national and state press sure won't stick up for this argument so maybe its time we did.