Justin Bieber Roast


Veteran Seminole Insider
May 7, 2008
Looks like it's going to air on March 30th, with Kevin Hart hosting. These roasts are pretty brutal...I'm kind of looking forward to this one.
That's some pretty low hanging fruit, isn't it? I mean that's really not good sport.
I'm really hoping that the whole thing falls apart when his thin skin won't allow him to take it as a joke - so he starts taking it personally, gets really upset (starts crying, maybe?), tells the producers he's done with it, and walks off the stage. I'll watch the leaked TMZ footage of his breakdown, for certain!
I don't think I'd want to get him too upset. Dude is Greg Jones like.

I'm hoping they will actually, literally roast him, like in an oven.
He'll probably be so lit on syrup and weed that he'll just laugh along without doing anything. The Pam Anderson roast was classic. I'm sure the comedians will be even more brutal with this Canadian idol.
I wonder how he'd take Lisa Lampanelli's comments?

I'm not a fan of hers but I still chuckle when I remember her putting her hand up to her ear and asking Hulk Hogan if he knew what that sound was. Since the answer is NSFW I'll just let it go at that.
What's a Bieber?

A Bieber roast shouldn't be a TV special, it should be a mini-series.
I love roasts, especially the ones with Dean Martin..

There is no way in hell I would watch this particular roast. Roasts are supposed to be for making fun of friends that you love and respect. This jerk had to beg for one.. They shouldn't even call it a roast. It's just a publicity stunt.
Originally posted by S3M1N0L3:
I love roasts, especially the ones with Dean Martin..

There is no way in hell I would watch this particular roast. Roasts are supposed to be for making fun of friends that you love and respect. This jerk had to beg for one.. They shouldn't even call it a roast. It's just a publicity stunt.
No offense, but what are you, 90 years old?

Who says roasts are "supposed to be for making fun of friends that you love and respect?"

These roasts, in their current form, always kill.
Originally posted by LesClaypool:
You don't like Jeff Ross at the roasts?
I don't like him in any aspect. Just my opinion, but I think he's the worst.

For that matter, add Lisa Lampanelli in with him. She's a hack. All she has is making fun of herself for sleeping with black guys. Zero actual talent.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by LesClaypool:

Originally posted by S3M1N0L3:
I love roasts, especially the ones with Dean Martin..

There is no way in hell I would watch this particular roast. Roasts are supposed to be for making fun of friends that you love and respect. This jerk had to beg for one.. They shouldn't even call it a roast. It's just a publicity stunt.
No offense, but what are you, 90 years old?

Who says roasts are "supposed to be for making fun of friends that you love and respect?"

These roasts, in their current form, always kill.
I'm 40 but nobody did them better IMO.

As for who says what Roasts should be, let's use a source that you millenials (I presume, no offense) might understand.

Per Wikipedia:

"A roast is an event in which a specific individual, a guest of honor, is subjected to good-natured jokes at their expense intended to amuse the event's wider audience. This type of event was created as a mock counter to a honor to be roasted. The individual is surrounded by friends, fans, and well-wishers, who can receive some of the same treatment as well during the course of the evening. The party and presentation itself are both referred to as a "roast." The host of the event is called the "roastmaster." Anyone who is honored in such a way is said to have been "roasted.""

So, if you're all excited about a Beiber roast, you must either honor him, be a friend, a fan or wish him well. I'm none of those and I reserve the right to judge those that do... Honors should be earned, not begged for.

Lastly, one can only hope that roasts these days kill....