Keys bike tour on Heritage Trail


Gold Member
Oct 1, 2002
Have you done the keys bike ride on the trail, and is the trail about done being constructed? Their website isn’t great.

Some of the tours that offer packages for the 100 mile treck over a few days seem pricey but the ride looks enticing.
Never heard of this. I took my bike down to Key West one time, rode about 4 miles on US 1 and turned around because of all the broke glass, debris and high speed motorists.
Never heard of this. I took my bike down to Key West one time, rode about 4 miles on US 1 and turned around because of all the broke glass, debris and high speed motorists.
US1 near key west is a nightmare - heck most of US1 is a nightmare heading through the keys but there are a few nice spots to ride. I did actually quite enjoy bombing around key west though - a bit of undulation and lots of places to smash around in town.
Well that’s not a great endorsememt! Ha

Well, you mentioned a trail. Not sure why you would need a guide if there is a trail. There is tons of lodging, food, grocery stores along the way. Maybe pick up a tour book of places to see. Bahia Honda has a nice beach/campground. Lots of dive shops to snorkel or scuba.

I was riding along US1 with traffic buzzing by at 60 mph and dodging broken glass. After a few miles I just turned around. Riding a bike around the town of Key West is the best way to go. It's small, and auto traffic doesn't move.

Let me know about this heritage trail. Sounds interesting.
The advantage of the tour companies (for someone who’s a flight away), is they provide the bike, gear, repair flats, etc.. and take your luggage between the 2-3 stops on the 100 mile run from Largo to Key West. Apparently the entire trail isn’t quite done but sections are supposedly really nice, and others as you mentioned a crap show.
I don't know if the trail is ready, but I agree with earlier poster...feels kind of trashy with tons of broken glass. It is fun, however, to ride around Key West on a bike.
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The advantage of the tour companies (for someone who’s a flight away), is they provide the bike, gear, repair flats, etc.. and take your luggage between the 2-3 stops on the 100 mile run from Largo to Key West. Apparently the entire trail isn’t quite done but sections are supposedly really nice, and others as you mentioned a crap show.

If I was a flight away, I think I would go to Tuscany wine country! Or many other locations ;^). Ride the Rockies in Colorado....Ragram in Iowa. Maybe that's because I have been to the Keys many times.