Kinsman's preposterous histrionics have probably set legitimate rape complaints back years


Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Mar 29, 2002
Buckhead, USA
For every shrill harpy such as the avaricious Kinsman, there are legitimate rape victims suffering in America.

In the Kinsman/Winston witch hunt, millions of Americans have had their eyes opened to the irrefutable truth that in many of these cases the "victim" is a liar, and the alleged perpetrator is the real victim.

I truly believe that Kinsman's phantasmagoric lies have made it more difficult for many real rape victims to maintain the credibility necessary to seek appropriate redress.

Ms. Kinsman has set women's causes back; how much is difficult to gauge.
There is nothing unusual about this story. Most law enforcement agencies estimate that 40-45% of rape allegations are false. I was reading a study a while back of a law enforcement review of 74 cases where women claimed to be drugged. Of those 74 cases, tox screens found drugs in 0 of them. These types of claims are very, very common. The general public just doesn't hear about it.
This is the biggest tragedy of such false claims. Women who are truly victims of a sexual assault are more likely to be viewed with a jaundiced eye than ever before. Erica Kinsman and her "investors" - truly an apt description by Cornwell - have no care or thought about the damage they do to these victims and the long term consequences of our social fabric.

I truly hope that she and her hangers on are dismantled piece by piece in testimony, and I don't care if its done gently or with a brutal questioning that leaves her case in the shambles it deserves.
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An equally bothersome side-effect is that other headline-seeking trash may be encouraged to make similar false and outrageous claims in the future. Unless there is some real punishment doled out here, why not? What's the downside for some trailer-dweller to make up an incredible tale, hope someone believes her, and play lawsuit Lotto? It's not like she is concerned about her own reputation or career. She basically gets a free swing for the fences.

Sad. Great lesson for all young men here: don't run around with trashy women, even for an hour or two.
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"Phantasmagoric"...good word. People who have no compass will always act reprehensibly. Their acts certainly are damaging but in the end they will likely reap what they sow. I wonder if once all is said and done she will change her name or move to Bora Bora.