"Look out, these damn Greeks are gonna get us drunk."...


Veteran Seminole Insider
Mar 5, 2005
is what one of my cousins said as we left his sister's grave side service. Kathi was married to a great guy who died of cancer about five years ago. His Greek family and friends were terrific to her as she weakened and eventually lost the fight to lung cancer.
Oh, shoot. We started with a mixed case of beer I brought in from NC, while her son started bringing out the Ouzo, Metaxxa, and Absinthe. Jeez... 11 of us left 9 dead bottles and a second case empty.
RIP cuz.... Having a big family is great in many ways, but many times we meet at graveside.
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Ouzo. Wow, some hazy memories thanks to that stuff.
A little like well made moonshine....smoovah up front, but lies in wait to kick that ass.
This was the third of many cousins to pass and I begin to wonder if I will survive all of the wakes. Cigars (for those who partake) memories, travel, toasts, and tales of lives properly spent are worth the price of admission I reckon.
I've had ouzo twice and neither wound up being pleasant experiences.
Yeah, I had some at a Greek wedding. Paid the bartender $20 for a bottle to take back to the room to keep the party going. Giving her the $ was the last thing I remember that night.