Loxahatchee animal cruelty bust largest in U.S. history

Those 5-star restaurants in Miami gotta keep their food costs down somehow.

I can't imagine working at a legal slaughterhouse let alone basically torturing animals while slowly killing them.
Very disturbing video. I'm not one into killing animals but I'm shocked people can do this for a living.
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That video's not so bad. I mean, the guy didn't run the cleanest farm and as a neighbor I'd be upset, but anyone who has spent any time on a farm knows, death isn't pretty, and it isn't perfect. Even if you care for and respect the animals, it's rough. I've killed a lot of pigs, chickens, cows and numerous animals hunting, not one time has it ever been an easy task. If you eat meat you should know that something died to sustain you, just because you don't see it every day and it bothers your delicate sensibilities to see it doesn't mean it's not happening.
Good post Free. Except I disagree with you about that video being "not so bad". It's awful. From letting those animals die agonizing deaths while thrashing in their blood to messing with the duck just for fun. My wife and daughters have done a good job of making me feel guilty about buying a pack of chicken at Publix. I keep eating less and less meat and hopefully I'll overcome my weakness for it all together sooner rather than later.
That video's not so bad. I mean, the guy didn't run the cleanest farm and as a neighbor I'd be upset, but anyone who has spent any time on a farm knows, death isn't pretty, and it isn't perfect. Even if you care for and respect the animals, it's rough. I've killed a lot of pigs, chickens, cows and numerous animals hunting, not one time has it ever been an easy task. If you eat meat you should know that something died to sustain you, just because you don't see it every day and it bothers your delicate sensibilities to see it doesn't mean it's not happening.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe most legitimate slaughter houses string the animals up alive and cut their throats to bleed them out. Most hunters I know, and I'll acknowledge I'm not one, kill as quickly and humanely as possible. That is not what I saw happening in that video.
That was over dramatic for sure. Wonder if it was the same producers who played the sad soft music in the background during Grier's press conference for ESPN.

But for real...while that is a job I would never want to do, I'm not that upset about it. I'm pretty sure that is the way animal's were slaughtered for 100's of years.

The kid did not look frightened to me at all. He looked more scared about the camera filming him more than anything if you ask me.

What were the puppies about? Were they for sale, or were they being served up as puppy meat? If for sale, then whats the big deal??? They looked well fed to me.

About the horse meat. Does anyone know what horse meat taste like? It looked like a good piece of meat from what I saw. I'm not saying I would want to eat it, but I'm not saying it's bad to eat either. Maybe it's more in bad taste to domesticate, ride, and name an animal only to go on to eat it for dinner. That seems a little weird to me, but if the meat is good and plentiful...maybe it's worth the protein if you need it.
Let me just say, I'm not defending the video. It many countries, and in many cultures bleeding live animals is very very common. The blood is typically collected and used. In this case it was not. I guess my point was that death is often rough to watch, and when killing a perfectly healthy animal for food, it often isn't smooth and humane. The thrash and squeal and chickens run around with no head, it is gruesome.

Those guys are clearly in violation of many social mores, and apparently laws.

As for the horse meat. If the horses have lived out their useful lives and the owners don't want to put them out to pasture and care for them until death, why is it so taboo to use the meat? If people want to buy it and eat it, good on them, there are plenty of hungry people out there.

As for hunting you do your best to kill the animal quickly, but if you hunt for any amount of time you will end up wounding and tracking an animal, there are times when you just don't find them and you know they got away wounded and bleed out somewhere. That's just the way it goes.