Making a Murder: Season 2


Star Player
Sep 18, 2003
just happened upon this (was released this past Friday I think).

I got through most of the season. There’s some really damning evidence unearthed by Zellner, imo. Anyone else caught this?
I haven't watched it largely because I know how it turns out from passively following in the news. Damning evidence for which side.
Zellner retesting (recreating) the prosecutions evidence / arguments- to me was damning for the prosecution (original) team
Just finished watching it, not sure what to think. I really try to look at it objectively from both sides but dang, its hard to when Zellner cant recreate anything in the crime scene going by what the prosecution said happened.

Avery clan aren't no Saints by any means, but man, they have been dealt a tough hand in life. That's for sure.
I believe Steven Avery is guilty but I also believe that there's not enough evidence against Dassey and that Dassey should not have been convicted.

I don't think the prosecutors have a good explanation of exactly how the murder happened and their attempts to try and prove that it happened in the garage don't fit the evidence IMO.

That being said, it's been proven that Steven Avery lied about not meeting up with Halbach, and his phone records and prior behavior around her strongly suggest he was targeting her. When someone goes missing and their car is found on the property of the last location she was seen alive, that's pretty strong evidence that somebody on that property had something to do with her disappearance.

I don't believe in Zellner's mass conspiracy theories. I see some sloppy detective work perhaps, but not an organized conspiracy.

Furthermore, Zellner's credibility is shot when she tried to claim that Steven Avery's vacutainer blood tube had been tampered with by pointing out that there was a hole in the rubber stopper.

Anybody who has ever drawn blood before knows that there's SUPPOSED to be a hole in the rubber stopper where the tubing penetrates into the EDTA tube. The fact that she didn't bother to ask a real phlebotomist or medical professional about this proves to me she had a conclusion beforehand and was in search of evidence to prove her theory.
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Anybody who has ever drawn blood before knows that there's SUPPOSED to be a hole in the rubber stopper where the tubing penetrates into the EDTA tube. The fact that she didn't bother to ask a real phlebotomist or medical professional about this proves to me she had a conclusion beforehand and was in search of evidence to prove her theory.

The rest of your post was great, but since I haven’t watched it, I don’t have much to add to it.

That said, this last paragraph is one of the bigger problems in our society, in my opinion. One of the reasons so many innocent people get shat on by our justice system. This is how policework is done now. Instead of the evidence proving who the perp is, it’s finding a perp and making the evidence fit the theory.