Movies you hate but all of your friends love...


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Gold Member
Dec 13, 2017
Something fun for a Friday night. Just seeing if there are any like-minded posters on the board.

For me.
Indiana Jones series
Karate Kid series (although #2 isn't as annoying)

I can't think of any more off the top of my head. Throwing in another thing, an actor I can't watch. Harrison Ford. Regarding Henry is his best performance IMHO. Han Solo, miss me. In the world of Star Wars, if you aren't a Jedi then you are garbage.

Any thoughts?
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Indiana was awesome(until Blanchett and the skull) as was Hans imho. Fugitive is Fords best.

My friends love Office Space and BioDome and I cant stand either.

Top Gun

The Matrix

Actor? Tom Cruise. He’s just creepy as all get out to me.

OMG! The Matrix?!?!?!??! Please. Please explain why you don't like such a revolutionary movie. I mean I remember seeing that movie in theaters and everyone's mind was blown away expectation wise. I have never met a person that didn't like the first Matrix. I like 1 and 2 myself, 3 is obviously a problem but hey Chis Nolan didn't land the 3rd Batman either.
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Ghostbusters. I saw this in the theater when it came out. I was 12 or so at the time. Maybe too young to get the humor? I liked Bill Murray from seeing Meatballs and Stripes, liked other movies from the former SNL guys like Animal House and Blues Brothers. Just didn't get what was funny about Ghostbusters. The little bits and pieces I've watched on tv since then haven't made it any funnier. Somewhat agree about Big Lebowski. I had friends quoting that one for years before I finally watched it recently. I didn't find it nearly as funny or clever as Raising Arizona or Fargo, or even Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Agreed here. It’s not bad but i got bored with it pretty quick.

So I'm not the only one??

I remember going to the theater to see it when it came out. Since the same guys did "Raising Arizona" (one of the funniest movies ever, IMO), I figured it would be really good. So, after about 5 or so minutes - I haven't laughed and I'm thinking 'well, it'll get funny soon'....all in all, I may have LOL'd 2-3 times IIRC. It's a decent movie but it's one of those that people say that love just to 'fit in' and you're 'supposed' to say you like it...

Same goes for "Shawshank Redemption." It's ok....but to me a great movie is one I could sit and watch every time it's on. Good movie - not an all time great, IMO.