MSNBC doubles down on JW story


Star Player
Gold Member
Nov 6, 2001
I am curious why they appear to be the only major news service keeping this story alive. I only caught a brief part of the segment but the part I saw they appeared to be defending EK ( instead of actually seeing if any of the points in JW counterclaim were valid they had some other reporter on there saying that "these types" of answers in a civil case are typical).

Am proud of the way President Thrasher has pushed back so far but wish there was a way we could push back
in a bigger way.
The contributor they interviewed, Jessica Luther, is an FSU Honors grad, as is her husband. I knew them in college. She didn't throw the school under the bus, but she sure didn't do us any favors either. She mentioned how long the investigation took, but I sure wish she would have mentioned it took so long because Erica wouldn't cooperate, if not affirmatively withheld pertinent information from the investigators. MSNBC then took her comments and ran with them to support their original position of buying EK's comments in the documentary (which are completely unsupported by physical evidence) hook, line, and sinker.

MSNBC clearly is doubling down on the idea that this was some coverup or purposely slow investigation for football reasons. They should be ashamed of themselves.
I ask myself that often - really don't like any of the morning news channels so I flip between them while working out. As bad as they are it is either tolerate that or watch the fluff shows like Good Morning America .
I am curious why they appear to be the only major news service keeping this story alive. I only caught a brief part of the segment but the part I saw they appeared to be defending EK ( instead of actually seeing if any of the points in JW counterclaim were valid they had some other reporter on there saying that "these types" of answers in a civil case are typical).

Am proud of the way President Thrasher has pushed back so far but wish there was a way we could push back
in a bigger way.
So you are offering your opinion on a story that you yourself claim you only saw a brief portion on? This is how rumors and false truths get started. I didn't see it at all, so I cant comment.
I assume they are doubling down because they got a response from Thrasher and realize that people will actually watch their crap if they talk about this. The reaction is why they do it IMO.
She is a feminazi who is cling to the "rape epidemic" for her relevance.
She is a feminazi who is cling to the "rape epidemic" for her relevance.
The contributor they interviewed, Jessica Luther, is an FSU Honors grad, as is her husband. I knew them in college. She didn't throw the school under the bus, but she sure didn't do us any favors either. She mentioned how long the investigation took, but I sure wish she would have mentioned it took so long because Erica wouldn't cooperate, if not affirmatively withheld pertinent information from the investigators. MSNBC then took her comments and ran with them to support their original position of buying EK's comments in the documentary (which are completely unsupported by physical evidence) hook, line, and sinker.

MSNBC clearly is doubling down on the idea that this was some coverup or purposely slow investigation for football reasons. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Southpark has more credible information transmitted that MSNBC ever will
With everything going on in the world today, it's a damn shame and disservice that the news media focuses on BS like this and "Inflate Gate" as their lead stories (and I'm not even talking about sports media).

It's either because they're too stupid to cover real topics that have a long term scope of impact, or they believe we're too dumb to absorb it -- so they play to the lowest common denominator, essentially what the National Enquirer has been doing for decades.

If it's news you're really after you'll need to a) turn off the TV, b) check a variety of sites, and c) be keenly aware of the biases of whatever outlet you're looking at.
In spite of what that reporter stated, I do not believe it is normal for the accused to request a jury trial. There are also no rumors of any settlement neogotiations. And JW signed that contract pretty fast so you can assume that the NFL and the Bucs had advance knowledge of the counter claim. Every person in that counter claim will be asked to testify.
The contributor they interviewed, Jessica Luther, is an FSU Honors grad, as is her husband. I knew them in college. She didn't throw the school under the bus, but she sure didn't do us any favors either. She mentioned how long the investigation took, but I sure wish she would have mentioned it took so long because Erica wouldn't cooperate, if not affirmatively withheld pertinent information from the investigators.

I believe this is the definition of throwing FSU under the bus. Kinsman's role in the delay is well known, so one could easily surmise that she left it out intentionally. Mrs. Luther came across as pretty sympatric to Kinsman.

Mika Brzezinski's chair is never less empty then when she's sitting in it.
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Luther is writing a book on the rape culture and sports and as a freelance writer, she needs to crush Jameis to keep her name in relevant.
I believe this is the definition of throwing FSU under the bus. Kinsman's role in the delay is well known, so one could easily surmise that she left it out intentionally.

People seem to have completely forgotten that TPD took the extraordinary step of calling a press conference to convey that the accusor had dropped out of contact.
The contributor they interviewed, Jessica Luther, is an FSU Honors grad, as is her husband. I knew them in college. She didn't throw the school under the bus, but she sure didn't do us any favors either. She mentioned how long the investigation took, but I sure wish she would have mentioned it took so long because Erica wouldn't cooperate, if not affirmatively withheld pertinent information from the investigators. MSNBC then took her comments and ran with them to support their original position of buying EK's comments in the documentary (which are completely unsupported by physical evidence) hook, line, and sinker.

MSNBC clearly is doubling down on the idea that this was some coverup or purposely slow investigation for football reasons. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Ridiculous. Every detail that makes FSU or Winston look bad, only looks that way because some detail is omitted. There's no excuse for that at this point. Saying that the school's response raises questions? How about mentioning how many questions are raised by Kinsman's account? How many questions are raised by her actions the last two years. They purposely avoid the questions raised by the counterclaim and just keep mentioning the incomplete narrative that has been around for two years.

Luther was really gung-ho about burning Winston early on; then she piped down when they were winning the NC. She wanted to keep her Nole cred but still have her feminist cred, so she avoided the issue. Now, like someone mentioned above, she is writing a book. She's carving a niche as a feminist-sportswriter-rape culture warrior. (The world NEEDS one of these, right?) She wrote extensively about the Vanderbilt case, & then the Winston incident happened. You can tell she's parsing her words on the whole affair, because she has nowhere to go because of the lack of evidence. But she has to keep "raising questions" and "this is concerning" because she needs a victory for her third-wave feminist fans. I've engaged with her in Twitter (@scatx) several times about the lack of evidence. But not any more. She ended up blocking me during the Hands Up Don't Shoot thing when I mentioned to her that Michael Brown attacked a cop.
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