Metarie, that place rocks
Kenner and Slidell...the jewels of Louisiana.
All kidding aside, if I presume this is a typical mid-20's bachelor party, fueled by credit card debt and birthday money from mom & dad, my suggestions:
1. Buy your booze at the airport (there is a liquor stored on the first floor at baggage claim) or get the Uber/Cab to stop at Rouses on Veterans.
2. If you must buy booze in the Quarter, stick to the Walgreens or CVS on Canal. Their prices aren't terrible.
3. Remember, money talks and bs walks. Your party's wants and needs can be satisfied by the appropriate extra tip to the valet, cab driver (if local), uber driver and door man. I was laughing my ass off last time I was there following these two drunk rednecks asking every hotel employee smoking on the corner if they new where they could get " know what I mean, gumbo...looking for some gumbo." You'll be much more successful going up to the door man/chef that is smoking at the side door and say "hey, I found this $20 on the street, it must be the way, do you know where I can find some Bolivian marching powder." FYI, most of the Lucky Dog vendors and rose peddlers and carrying.
4. I find Harrahs to have the tightest slots and least fun table game. but if gambling your thing, it's the only game in town.
5. If there is a sports game you guys want to watch, do it at Walk Ons (Poydras & O'Keefe). The self-serve taps at bar tables is choice.
6. I presume your group would rather avoid waiting in lines for food, so forget Acme, Johnny's Po'Boys, Central Market Grocery. The Drago's at the Hilton is large and the grilled oysters are good. Try Willie Mae's Scotch House in Treme for the best fried chicken. Frankly, the last bachelor party I went to in the Quarter was 20 years ago, and food was a low priority. We mostly ate crappy pizza with Big Ass Beers from Tropical Isle.
7. The Dungeon starting at 1 is pretty wild.