Not Jim Henson's Muppets


Veteran Seminole Insider
May 7, 2008
853 appears that the Muppets have gone blue. the Muppet Show that premiers tonight is rumored to have mostly adult-themed humor and sexual innuendo.... appears that the Muppets have gone blue. the Muppet Show that premiers tonight is rumored to have mostly adult-themed humor and sexual innuendo....

Yeah, I loved the two most recent movies but I'm thinking this might be a big fail. Not that I'm afraid of blue comedy's (my faves are things like Always Sunny, the League, Archer etc...) but the characterisations are supposed to be off. It's not the Kermit you know and love but "the real Kermit" who is different than the "character Kermit" you see in movies and tv shows of the past. That's supposed to be true of all of the characters.

So.....I don't know. Could be too different to enjoy.
Thought the show was funny but not amazing. Will watch for my love of the muppets but not enthusiastic. Had a vibe of "the office" but Muppets.
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I've heard the "adult" turned out not to be so much dirty, rather more mature themes, like emotionally.

I guess that's fine. I like the Muppets well enough, they were a big part of my childhood and I enjoyed the two recent movies quite a lot, but I've never been one of those people that didn't feel like they had enough Muppets in their lives. I don't so much dislike the idea as not need it.
I didn't see the show this week, but did see the sneak preview thing hosted by Ken Jeong. I don't think slightly adult humor is a new thing. I distinctly remember this joke from the old muppet show:

male muppet: do you believe in the hereafter?
female muppet: why, yes, I do.
male muppet: then you know what I'm here after!

was it a lot worse than that?
I watched and it wasn't that bad. Some funny lines you have pay attention to. Elizabeth Banks puts me in a good mood any day!