Maybe belongs on the dumping ground. Some of these are good.
1. "He really is not as nice of a person as he thinks he is."
4. "His self-fulfilling prophecy is ****ing up his life. He's not unlovable or ugly or uncared for — but walking through the world expecting rejection at all turns and living in a fog of negativity makes him unattractive. So-and-so isn't hotter than you; that's not the reason they're getting more friends and lovers. It's because they are more positive and interested than you, and people are attracted to that company."
6. "He lies to himself about almost everything and lives in fantasy land. He thinks he's in the gym five days a week, eats great, climbs mountains, goes camping, and makes loads of money. In reality, he's at the pub five days a week, over eats like shit, went on one hike in January, can't hold a job, and lives paycheck to paycheck."
9. "Her standards are too excessively high. She brings nothing to a relationship and is a walking contradiction. I think it's great to have standards — and high standards — but hers are just a checklist of 'wants.'"
1. "He really is not as nice of a person as he thinks he is."
4. "His self-fulfilling prophecy is ****ing up his life. He's not unlovable or ugly or uncared for — but walking through the world expecting rejection at all turns and living in a fog of negativity makes him unattractive. So-and-so isn't hotter than you; that's not the reason they're getting more friends and lovers. It's because they are more positive and interested than you, and people are attracted to that company."
6. "He lies to himself about almost everything and lives in fantasy land. He thinks he's in the gym five days a week, eats great, climbs mountains, goes camping, and makes loads of money. In reality, he's at the pub five days a week, over eats like shit, went on one hike in January, can't hold a job, and lives paycheck to paycheck."
9. "Her standards are too excessively high. She brings nothing to a relationship and is a walking contradiction. I think it's great to have standards — and high standards — but hers are just a checklist of 'wants.'"
"At This Point, He Could Be Single For The Rest Of His Life": People Are Sharing The Obvious Reason Their Friend Is Still Single That They're Completely Oblivious To
Nobody's ever said relationships are easy...