Political contributions.

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Ultimate Seminole Insider
Jul 23, 2004
I have been interested in and have followed politics since I was a child and even double-majored in PolySci. I have voted regularly as an adult for about 30 years but never actually made a financial contribution to a candidate until the '16 primary season. Anyway, I made 3 or 4 modest payments to this candidate, and ever since his party/candidates for various offices have been soliciting me for cash.

It's really ramping up right now with primaries coming up soon. I just delete the emails without reading them. I'm experiencing first hand now just how greedy politicians are. Anyone else ever dealt with anything like this?
Which is a better prospect, a random cold call or a person with a track record of giving?
Which is a better prospect, a random cold call or a person with a track record of giving?
I just had no idea that my contact info would be shared throughout every nook & cranny of the party. I get contacts from candidates in races I can't even vote in from all over the country.
Never given to a political candidate don't see why. At the end of the day my money is better spent on charity or my family, extended family included. If I give someone money I expect them to do what I told them to with the money and we all know politicians won't do that.
Never given to a political candidate don't see why. At the end of the day my money is better spent on charity or my family, extended family included. If I give someone money I expect them to do what I told them to with the money and we all know politicians won't do that.
Generally, I agree as I said I had never contributed until two years ago. ...But I felt the '16 election signaled a particularly vital watershed moment, and I believe I've been proven correct.
But I felt the '16 election signaled a particularly vital watershed moment, and I believe I've been proven correct.

Never given to a political candidate don't see why. At the end of the day my money is better spent on charity or my family, extended family included. If I give someone money I expect them to do what I told them to with the money and we all know politicians won't do that.

Money is better spent wadded up and thrown into a raging fire than donating to politicians. :)
It's absolutely insane how much money for these election machines are raising and using for their candidates. Millions for local, tens of millions for state, and billions for national. What a waste.
It's absolutely insane how much money for these election machines are raising and using for their candidates. Millions for local, tens of millions for state, and billions for national. What a waste.
They're not getting my two cents in the future after seeing how much my effort paid off.
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