I have had boats all of my life, actually got my first boat when I was 10years old. I have had fishing boats, ski boats, off shore boats, flats boats, you get the idea. The most fun we have ever had on a boat as a family was on a tri-toon I built several years ago. We could take 12 people on it, even went offshore diving a few times, put a grill on it and spend the day at the island being useless, pull tubers or skiers, and most anything else you do on most boats. Got rid of it because I built it 11-1/2' wide and it was a pain in the butt to pull it down the road. Keep saying I am going to build another but with the kids out and busy with their lives and families doubt I will ever do it. My advice is if you are just looking for a fun family boat you can do some fishing or cruising on and not take it serious then the pontoon is the way to go. Serious skiing, fishing, diving or other boating activities then buy a boat specifically designed for your interest.