Press Conference Posse Members


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Mar 29, 2002
With all of the press conferences about Hurricane Irma, I again chuckle when I see the collection of people standing around and behind the speaker at the podium. They just stand there like props, always stern-faced. Usually, there is significant diversity within the stand-ins, seemingly to appeal to wide constituencies.

It just amuses me to see these folks stand there, expressionless, as the speaker waxes on about whatever. Would love to know who came up with this idea, and what it is believed to accomplish.
That one deaf lady without closed captioning better feel damn special right now. Her interpreter is taking up some damn fine real estate.
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kind of like the people they pay, I mean who volunteer to sit behind a presidential candidate and hold signs all through the speech. It's almost always the most diverse group of people you've ever seen. The rest of the audience might be 99% millionaire white dudes, but that group right behind the stage, well they're going to represent the mixing pot of America.