Ramsey said they were playing for the double move is why they played off the whole game! Uhhh, that's was what they were told for 2 weeks? Well that's all you need to know about our D coordinator. A double move against wake? That's really smart, considering we play 2 deep the majority of the time also. I've coached for 21 + years and can tell you that's absurd scheming. If your worried about a double move play zone, corner takes flat, safety over the top, lb's in the hook, and blitz the star. Then switch up coverages to confuse him. Pressure busts pipes is an old saying but it works especially against young QB's. It ain't rocket science. Wakes offensive scheme was predicated on having no time to throw, so they continually ran short routes, not only to avoid the sack, but to eat clock. Wasn't hard to figure out. He coaches scared.we should have gone after him like he stole our lunch money! Trust your athletes to make plays, especially when your back half runs as well as ours does. Coach, please turn them loose this week! We have been winning because we have out- athleted everyone. With a great scheme we could be awesome on D.
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