Great woman. My wife and I were watching the montage of photos last night on TV as the pundits discussed her death and life, and I finally brought up to her, feeling like an arse, the thing puzzling me and driving me crazy: She aged like 40 years in 10 years. Meaning she looked 75 from ages 40 something to 80 something. Instead of my wife bashing my head apart like I expected, she immediately said she noticed same thing and was wondering.
Not even 5 minutes later the commentator recounted the story of their oldest daughter, dying of leukemia just short of 4. They gave her three weeks and they did everything and she lasted 7 months. Apparently, at the end of this time, her hair had begun to turn white. ...and likely aged her 20 years. I never knew the story. Makes me appreciate all that came after for her, despite the horrific event.