I'm 42.
Posted on a BBS over a 900 baud modem to share opinions and stuff with a handful of gaming nerds who were quite older than me in the late 80s.
Had an AOL account, when that was the web for most people, I remember getting an app called AOHell that would let you generate random credit card numbers based on the real algorithms the companies used for their numbers, so the registration page would accept them (they weren't instantly verified at that time, just checked to see if they were possible numbers), so you could sign on nightly without worrying about the 20hr cap.
It would have been late 90s, after graduating FSU, that I had a genuine ISP and quit connecting to the internet through AOL as a proxy. Posted mainly on the 'general forum' of a war game company's board. That was a great crowd because it was bright dudes, but in particular because it was such a diverse international crowd (battlefront.com got off the ground with a 3D tactical war game that attracted any board gamer that played Squad Leader).
With heated debates over the second Iraq war the powers that be got tired of moderating political discussions that could possibly negavitively impact sales (realize, this company has to modify historical markings on vehicles in order to satisfy laws and sensibilities in some countries that participated in WW2), so they basically jettisoned the general forum. One of the participants self hosted a message board for over a decade after that, but he just pulled the plug this year.
So now I peruse a few forums, post mainly here, but have never created a 'presence' on social media because too many of the things I initially thought could be problematic with those I've seen come to pass for people I actually know.
The whole Big Brother thing is kind of a downer to me as well, and makes me less interested in posting anything from my life that someone may misinterpret and find it used against me.