Solar system to scale - neardy awesomeness

That was really neat, thanks for posting.

The enormity of space just blows me away.

It does me as well. I was regarding a book the other day--- looking at our solar system alone: if the sun is the size of a tennis ball the earth is 3 football fields away and the size of the period at the end of this sentence. Pluto is thousands of miles away from that period.... Absolutely mind blowing....

I'll admit the thought of space scares me some for some reason....
Have always wanted to see something like that. Even more drastic than I ever imagined...
Some other links I've seen about the scale of the universe.

Interactive slide from smallest measurement of distance to total universe

Size of our Sun compared to largest in known Universe


And an even crazier thing to think about is that you could fit all of the other planets in the solar system between the Earth and the moon.

Even that you don't appreciate as much without seeing the distance in between the plants and the stars. I mean if you put that biggest star on that same model they made in the desert no telling how far away they'd have to go to keep it in scale. Also, think about the odds of getting hit by an asteroid or a comet now. One would be a mere spec on that scale model of our solar system. Pretty amazing when you see it like that...
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains 100-400 billion stars and at least 100 billion planets.
There are approximately 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe.


We're finding out that there are far more planets in our galaxy than if there are 200 billion stars, there's probably 2-4 times as many planets.