My wife’s good friend went to the Lightning game this past Saturday and got drilled in the head by a puck. She had a huge goose egg above her right temple, black eye, and her eye swollen shut.
She was with her husband and two young sons so luckily the kids didn’t get hit. She had to be taken to the Er by ambulance and have a cat scan.
She is asking the Lightning to pay her co pays for the ambulance, cat scan, and Er. She knows the ticket is a disclaimer against responsibility of injuries suffered at the game.
They went to the media about this and it was picked up by all the local news agencies. She got major backlash in the comment sections but was warned by the reporters that would happen.
Anyways, anybody think she has a case if they filed a lawsuit or if the lighnjng should pay the hospital bills regardless of waived liabilities?
I don’t think she has a good case but don’t see the harm in asking. I would hope the lightning would pay as I don’t think it would make a dent in their profit but can’t blame them if they say go pound sand either.
She was with her husband and two young sons so luckily the kids didn’t get hit. She had to be taken to the Er by ambulance and have a cat scan.
She is asking the Lightning to pay her co pays for the ambulance, cat scan, and Er. She knows the ticket is a disclaimer against responsibility of injuries suffered at the game.
They went to the media about this and it was picked up by all the local news agencies. She got major backlash in the comment sections but was warned by the reporters that would happen.
Anyways, anybody think she has a case if they filed a lawsuit or if the lighnjng should pay the hospital bills regardless of waived liabilities?
I don’t think she has a good case but don’t see the harm in asking. I would hope the lightning would pay as I don’t think it would make a dent in their profit but can’t blame them if they say go pound sand either.