My buddy and I are planning on heading to the Super Bowl this year, any of you ATLiens have a line on tickets? I realize they will be crazy expensive, but would much rather pay face than adding on all of the crazy StubHub fees.
My buddy and I are planning on heading to the Super Bowl this year, any of you ATLiens have a line on tickets? I realize they will be crazy expensive, but would much rather pay face than adding on all of the crazy StubHub fees.
Yes, here in our tight-knit community of six million it seems as though every Tom, Dick, and Harry is trying to move their Super Bowl tickets at face value.
A very small percentage of tix are allotted to actual fans. Most go to corporation sponsors, dignitaries, etc. of that small percentage ticket buyers get them. So plan on paying 3 to 5 large per ticket.
Exactly.My apologies, I thought I had posted on the tight-knit community of the Warchant Locker Room, not the Fulton County Craigslist page.
I paid $1500 per ticket for the Steelers/Cardnials Super Bowl in Tampa. Face value was $800. The Missus is a huge Steelers fan and it was a once in a lifetime event. Got my tickets on ebay.
I've got a pair of tickets you can come get at face value, but first I though it would be fun to destroy my model train set. I've also got a ton of Krab meat you can have.
You'd have a much better time using that amount of money at Magic City, The Varsity, Clermont Lounge, and the Sky Club International Terminal and just tell everyone you went to the game.