I'm 45, never learned to drive a stick, and it's come up exactly once in my life 25 years ago, and it wasn't an emergency. A buddy of mine was disappointed I couldn't share driving on a road trip. I'm not GLAD I don't know how to do it or anything, but I'm not worried about it either. Guess I never spent enough time in Europe.
I've never considered teaching my kids. I don't want them in a situation where they're driving somebody's sports car based on a couple hours of lessons they got ten years previous when they were 16 years old. That would have to be a real hell of an emergency...I'd rather they take a cab, call an uber, whatever. I'd be more nervous about them on the road driving something they barely had an inkling how to drive than I would about them missing a test or being late for work or having to pay for a cab.