The original story about him "needing" a $54,000,000 private jet has been around for the better part of a week, but this is an updated story with quotes from him since the story broke...
"There was a misnomer on that one. I said I've had three jets, I don't have three jets," he said in an interview with ABC News' "Good Morning America" on Wednesday. "Two of them now are in other ministries. I only own one airplane now."
[You only own one private jet?! Make sure you don't bring that poverty to the LR, Jesse!]
"There was a misnomer on that one. I said I've had three jets, I don't have three jets," he said in an interview with ABC News' "Good Morning America" on Wednesday. "Two of them now are in other ministries. I only own one airplane now."
[You only own one private jet?! Make sure you don't bring that poverty to the LR, Jesse!]