The Hunting Ground on (positive fan reviews)


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Jan 8, 2007
This piece if trash currently has a 67% positive rating from movie goers. Please let your voice be heard and give this movie the rating you know it deserves. It only takes a minute. With only 385 votes currently it should be easy enough to sway the results.

This is a very popular site for movie goers and influences whether people will watch a flick or not.

This post was edited on 3/16 12:47 PM by tigity

Lmao critics aren't going to slam a documentary on rape. Even if the documentary is full of shit none of those critics will bash a documentary about college aged women being raped on campus.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by 12Nole:
Lmao critics aren't going to slam a documentary on rape. Even if the documentary is full of shit none of those critics will bash a documentary about college aged women being raped on campus.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I am talking about movie goer ratings. Your exactly right about the critics and not a thing can be done about that.
Originally posted by 12Nole:
Lmao critics aren't going to slam a documentary on rape. Even if the documentary is full of shit none of those critics will bash a documentary about college aged women being raped on campus.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Truth. Sadly, this type of thing needs to be addressed. I understand that rape happens, and personally think guilty parties of actual rape should be burnt at the stake, but when an individual brings about false allegations (consistently changing the rhetoric of her accounts), there should be a punishment served fitting the "crime". The fact the producers of this documentary didn't case the situation yet are willing to reap the rewards that come with the doc's success is troubling. I see it as a separate "crime" all on its own. Granted, this will probably never happen because we as a society have to protect victims, apparently even fraudulent victims.

The fact that it is known (and I agree with the notion) that critics won't bash a rape doc is a tribute to just how far off base we as a society have become. The only thing worse than the "violence" (in this case, the harm deployed onto the wrongfully accused) is the silence of the masses. At first, I was skeptical of taking a stance on the entire situation. But now, it's become very apparent. This is and has been nothing but a money grab and the "victim", her lawyers, the documentary producers, and literally every media outlet are guilty as sin itself. Sadly, nobody will have to bear any consequence.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Unconquered45:

Truth. Sadly, this type of thing needs to be addressed. I understand that rape happens, and personally think guilty parties of actual rape should be burnt at the stake, but when an individual brings about false allegations (consistently changing the rhetoric of her accounts), there should be a punishment served fitting the "crime". The fact the producers of this documentary didn't case the situation yet are willing to reap the rewards that come with the doc's success is troubling. I see it as a separate "crime" all on its own. Granted, this will probably never happen because we as a society have to protect victims, apparently even fraudulent victims.

The fact that it is known (and I agree with the notion) that critics won't bash a rape doc is a tribute to just how far off base we as a society have become. The only thing worse than the "violence" (in this case, the harm deployed onto the wrongfully accused) is the silence of the masses. At first, I was skeptical of taking a stance on the entire situation. But now, it's become very apparent. This is and has been nothing but a money grab and the "victim", her lawyers, the documentary producers, and literally every media outlet are guilty as sin itself. Sadly, nobody will have to bear any consequence.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I don't understand why so many people (especially men) always lead off with the qualifier "guilty parties of actual rape should be burnt at the stake" because I don't. I think they should be punished within the guidelines of the law. And I know I am going to hear, what if it was your daughter or what if it happened to someone you know and love?

Well, I would still think they should be punished within the guidelines of the law. What if someone murdered someone that you don't know, would you want them burned at the stake?

What if they stole from someone, how about that. I don't mean to be confrontational on here, but that kind of talk is what is fueling this misguided movement in our country.

We have laws and I am sorry if someone you know got raped or will get raped. I cannot follow your logic for punishment.
The segment about Jameis starts off with a recording of the 911 call her friend made (dramatic effect). It actually edits the part out where her friend said she got hit over the head because later in the film EK claims she was drugged. They edited the 911 call to cover a lie and put it out as a documentary. Let that sink in.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ScottiePimpin:
The segment about Jameis starts off with a recording of the 911 call her friend made (dramatic effect). It actually edits the part out where her friend said she got hit over the head because later in the film EK claims she was drugged. They edited the 911 call to cover a lie and put it out as a documentary. Let that sink in.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Maybe they're trying to get a job at NBC?
Maybe it is entertaining, even if a one sided, unbalanced, intentionally deceptive polemic masquerading as a documentary.
Kinsman's inclusion is an insult to the actual victims. I've read several comments about how she should be applauded for speaking out. However, few acknowledge she gives yet again a DIFFERENT account of the night, and completely contradicts her testimony in the CoC hearing.

The producers should be required to edit Kinsman out, but the truth is it's just another example of people libeling and slandering Jameis for their own profit.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I don't really care about the Rotten Tomatoes score, and this film didn't make any money. My main concern would be if this thing was nominated for or won any major awards. The Jameis segment is propaganda not documentary. I would hate to see an incomplete and in many ways deceptive account be rewarded and legitimized in that way.
I would expect the crowd that goes to see a documentary like this already has a favorable opinion of the overall message of the film. They are not going to pick out a segment of the film like Kinsman's as inaccurate. Makes perfect sense that the reviews are positive. It is not a mainstream film that will appeal to a diverse audience and have some people like and some dislike. This film's crowd is already inclined to give it positive reviews before they even see a second of the movie. I really hope that at some point the other side of this story is given full light and people other than FSU fans can then make an informed opinion on what happened.
We'd look like jackasses if we bombed the review pages of the movie. Just let it die, no one is watching it anyway.
Ignoring is the best way to go with the Hunting Ground.
Per the IMDB website, which tracks box office receipts, the movie is a dismal failure, having only made $81,897 in ticket sales in the entire US since it was released on 2/27.
Originally posted by fsugrad:
Ignoring is the best way to go with the Hunting Ground.
Per the IMDB website, which tracks box office receipts, the movie is a dismal failure, having only made $81,897 in ticket sales in the entire US since it was released on 2/27.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't premiered yet.
Originally posted by given2fly:
Originally posted by fsugrad:
Ignoring is the best way to go with the Hunting Ground.
Per the IMDB website, which tracks box office receipts, the movie is a dismal failure, having only made $81,897 in ticket sales in the entire US since it was released on 2/27.
I'm pretty sure it hasn't premiered yet.
According to, it premiered on 2/27/15.

This post was edited on 3/19 12:16 PM by fsugrad
I wonder if the film addresses the presence of amylase on her vaginal swab given the fact that she claims no oral sex was involved, but Winston, Casher, and Darby all claim oral sex preceded intercourse. Probably not...
This is a very touchy subject. I think most of us if not all of us are sympathetic to the cause. We all should want Victims of rape to be able to feel safe and report their abuse. However there seems to be a lot of misinformation and scare tactics going on when it comes to rape. This documentary is just one example. Wouldn't one think there is an ethical dilemma with the hunting ground? Erica paints a version of that night that goes completely against what she told at the COC hearing. with two completely conflicting stories on record and yet the hunting ground makes no mention of it. Wouldn't you think if the goal of the hunting ground is to bring rape on campus to the forefront of the conversation they should be concerned with accuracy? Most people who watch that story are not going to pay attention to what she said at the COC they are also not going to take the time to read and look into the evidence of that night. No, they will just take what she said as gospel not even knowing that she has multiple versions of that story.

Which now I start questioning if any of the stories that are presented in the hunting ground are true? If the hunting ground can be this deceiving and uncaring of the truth as long as they get a story in Erica's case, why wouldn't they do it in the others? It's a shame to because im sure there are some true stories in the documentary but how can we really take that movie seriously? Is a shame that integrity has taken a back seat.
Originally posted by F4Gary:
Voting involves facebook, so I'm out.
me, too. Anyone who saw my review/vote would see my Facebook profile picture, which has a bar across the top that says "go Noles."