Truth. Sadly, this type of thing needs to be addressed. I understand that rape happens, and personally think guilty parties of actual rape should be burnt at the stake, but when an individual brings about false allegations (consistently changing the rhetoric of her accounts), there should be a punishment served fitting the "crime". The fact the producers of this documentary didn't case the situation yet are willing to reap the rewards that come with the doc's success is troubling. I see it as a separate "crime" all on its own. Granted, this will probably never happen because we as a society have to protect victims, apparently even fraudulent victims.
The fact that it is known (and I agree with the notion) that critics won't bash a rape doc is a tribute to just how far off base we as a society have become. The only thing worse than the "violence" (in this case, the harm deployed onto the wrongfully accused) is the silence of the masses. At first, I was skeptical of taking a stance on the entire situation. But now, it's become very apparent. This is and has been nothing but a money grab and the "victim", her lawyers, the documentary producers, and literally every media outlet are guilty as sin itself. Sadly, nobody will have to bear any consequence.