With this years team compared to the 2013 & 2014 teams in my opinion are the lack of alpha dogs on both sides of the ball. I think Jimbo is a very good head coach and a good (but not great) play caller. I happen to think we have very good assistant coaches on both sides that develop our players and we certainly have loads of young talent. When coaches talk about intangibles I think this centers on the athletes will to win and by doing so his leadership. In 2013 we were loaded with alpha dogs: Jameis, Wilder, Freeman, O'leary, Jernigan, Telvin and Joyner and they flat out wanted to dominate. Last year we only had Jameis and Ramsey and I think the difference was notable. This year we only have Ramsey on James in waiting and I think it makes a big difference. One guy can often will his team to win-i.e. Tebow and Jameis but it takes more to be a great team. I think we need to put a little more focus on this in recruiting rather than getting caught up in stars. Next year we will have Taylor coming in but we need more because Ramsey is gone. We need some guys to step it up this year or we will be good but likely with 2-3 losses