The trip to the landfill this weekend was very easy going


Veteran Seminole Insider
Mar 5, 2005
and most every time lately has been pleasant enough. There for a while I was almost dreading that necessary run and I had begun to think about packing just in case....
For years, I have loaded up the month’s throw aways in my old beater work/firewood truck, packed a snack and a beverage or two for sustenance, and eased down the road to handle business while having a little quiet time/getaway.
Then, for months it seemed like every trip was interrupted by some cat tailgating and flashing lights, trying to pass on curves, honking and waving with just one finger instead of his whole hand and just generally acting like he was on a mission that civilians were interrupting. Judging from the Hilton Head homeowners stickers his rig sported, I figure he was used to big wide sandy roads, and maybe our winding mountain back roads got him frustrated. Or, maybe it was my total disdain for somebody hurrying my sojourn into the throw away zone. It is a slow motion ritual for us to get rid of stuff, while some just wanna get it over with.
I guess his garbage was mission oriented or something and most of us just had ordinary, low priority, crap that did not warrant clearance for dumping into the secret spaces of our local dump. I am pretty sure that the fact that we never were subject to HOA rules was ok with him, but my toss techniques are not really crisp,and accurate.
Anyway, I haven’t seen that big guy in a while...
Okay, this went nowhere near where I thought it would.

Anyone else expecting some satire about blocking some impatient dude at a left turn only green light?
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