The Vegas Road Rage Shooting


Apr 19, 2002
Anyone else following this. It's almost soap opera material. First they say a mother was shot by a guy, while she was giving her daughter driving lessons, in retaliation for some traffic slight. Then they say the two cars were seperated for awhile, and they found each other again. Then they say the mother went home and got her son, and a gun, to go find the guy. Now they are saying the families knew each other. No one would believe this if you made it up.

The first rule to shooting someone is not to take your shirt off the next day. They always get arrested when the shirt comes off.

I've read a lot of the articles about it; it's been pretty clear from early on that there was a lot more to the story than the dead lady's family was telling.

In my small town, if we were to cross paths & have an altercation, then we went our own way, the odds of you coming out & finding me 10 minutes later are miniscule. In a larger area, they are a minute fraction of miniscule. Yet we're supposed to believe that the lady drove home, had daughter go inside & tell son to "get his gun, we're gonna go hunt down the guy who harassed us" - and they just happened to find the perp within 5 to 10 minutes?


I also thought it interesting that they only had a minimal description of the vehicle, no tag number, yet they knew the color of the guy's hair and eyes.

I think there's still a lot more to come on this story. Dude was probably banging the daughter, or maybe the mom.
Yeah, this story has gotten odder and odder. Pretty much all sympathy was gone with "go get your brother and tell him to bring his gun."
Originally posted by seminoledq:
Maybe our own NoleandDawg will have this case.
I don't work for the DA anymore so it won't be mine. Pretty crazy stuff for sure. Then again this is Vegas and we specialize in cray cray.