Torn rotator cuff?


Mar 29, 2002
I'm pretty sure I've got one. All the symptoms. I could not throw a ball overhand if my life depended on it right now. I'm seeing my doctor in a few days and know I'll be referred to an ortho. Anybody had this? Anybody had any luck avoiding surgery with it?
Pretty sure my labrum and cuff are effed, i still have a full range of motion, but it painfully creaks and cracks with movement every once in awhile. Im also a side sleeper and it will hurt like a bitch in the morning sometimes.

Weird thing is after a few reps working out, it will feel fine, but those first 2 or 3 I feel like an arthritic geezer. Got a few old baseball stretches that help thankfully.

My brother just got scoped about a month ago and is in a sling and doing rehab on it now, I'll see if he can chime in.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Don't know old you guys are, but I think complete shoulder replacements may loom for you, eventually. Bad shoulders never heal on their own, and will get worse over time.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
depends on how bad it is. I've had a torn rotator cuff, but it wasn't bad enough for surgery. I couldn't hold a book in my right hand out from my chest for more than 30 seconds. They had me do some exercise to strengthen the muscles around it, and some others to keep my scapula from scraping.
I'm P&B's brother, just had a scope to repair my rotator cuff and remove bone spurs.

My advice would be do rehab type stretches and exercises for as long as you can still do all of the activities you like. That alone may be enough.

Don't stop using it completely or your joints will freeze up and you'll have longer more painful rehab. That's where I went wrong.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I tore mine back in 1996. I will post a link for the 'Empty Can test" that will tell you if you need surgery or not. I did physical therapy everyday for about a month before my operation. This helps to add strength to the other muscles in the area and will speed up your rehab time. I was 32 years old when I had it done and have never had any problems with it since.
I've had both shoulders operated on for torn rotator cuff and bone spur removal, and torn labrum repair on my right shoulder. The surgeries were certainly more difficult for me than the knee surgeries that I have had. I could not have healed with PT alone, so in that sense I'm glad that I had the surgeries.
I have had both operated the old fashioned way, now I have a scar to show for it, one was arthroscopic..second one healed quickly, in a few months you are advice, make sure you get a good physical therapist to work with, and start rehab asap..
That is a great article Ponch!!

I had my right shoulder (Both torn rotator cuff & labrum) repaired about 7 years ago, and I still have some shoulder weakness.

The real issue is, I had it for a while before I got the surgery done, and I probably compensated for the discomfort, and so now my elbow is screwed:(

If it hurts all the time, sore after sleeping, get the surgery ASAP.
Thanks Bud. I think that we can get use to living with the pain and that is never a good thing in the long run.
No reason to rush into surgery and there are a number of different reasons that could cause shoulder pain.

What are your specific symptoms? pain? ROM? loss of function?

And even if you do have a RC tear (partial or complete) consider this: A 1995 study published in a well known journal found that @ 35% of people without any type of shoulder pain had some sort of RC tear. The prevalence increased with age. This leads me to believe there's more to it than actual damage and you quite possibly had the tear long before you had any complaints.
I have not been examined by an ortho yet but just from the symptoms and talking to people that's what it seems like. It's my right shoulder. There's a lot a pain when I lift my arm above my chest. I can't throw a ball overhand. If I put my right hand behind my head there's no pain if my elbow is by my head. However if I attempt to let my elbow fall away from my head in this position the pain is excruciating
Posted from Rivals Mobile
That was a great article and passed most all of the tests. Paid particular interest to the over/behind stretches. The over the shoulder to opposite shoulder, no problem, but the behind the back to opposite back shoulder sucked asshole, not gonna lie, I audibly heard scrapes and cracks, felt like sand and small pebbles, both deep inside and outside near my trap. Winced a bit, but after 5 seconds or so, I could feel everything stretch and feel fine. Going to start back swimming/pool work, hopefully that helps.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
MRI may or may nOT help identify any concerns..but then sometimes those things are wAY oFF. I'm not sure where you're located, but do some research and find a Fellow of one of the world class Orthopaedic Surgeons (or at least a physician who doesn't open); your rehab will thank you for it!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Had rotator cuff surgery 6 weeks ago today. Much better now. Started therapy last week. Still have very limited ROM, but pain gets less each day it seems. Ain't gonna lie, the first 7-10 days aren't fun and sleep is very hard to come by for awhile. You need to have someone practically babysit you for a few days after surgery.

Much better now and in the long run, I'll be very glad I did it.