I'm mildly interested in Ready Player One. I thought the book was decent but overrated. I thought the style and nostalgia of it covered what was in essence, not a very compelling or interesting plotline. As I was reading it, I thought "This book is screaming out to be made into a movie that isn't very good." It just seems to have all the elements of a film that disappoints...more style than substance, much of the appeal is in the inner dialogue, and a concept that treads near to the "unfilmable" area. Hope I'm wrong.
I don't know what Red Sparrow is, but I tend to give an open mind to most Jennifer Lawrence projects at least. I could see catching that as a rental.
Don't care about dogs and don't know what Alpha is.
Didn't care very much for Sicario, after expecting it to be right in the wheelhouse of the kind of thing I like, so probably not in on that one, until maybe much later if it comes to HBO or something.
There was probably a time when I'd be into Venom, but I'm kind of burned out on superhero movies, and I'm not the biggest Tom Hardy fan. I don't dislike him or anything, but he's certainly not someone that would get me in the theater on the basis of his presence alone.