what time do you wake up? what do you do then?


Apr 7, 2012
the older I get, the early I get up. Usually betwixt 5-530. usually I read and drink coffee. I like to workout early but often end up reading instead. Even back in the days when hangovers happened more frequently, I couldn't sleep much past 7.
Up at 5:00 on work days. I can usually make it to 7:30-ish on days when I don't have to wake up to an alarm.
Usually between 5:30-6, depending on when my 10 month old wakes up. The morning mostly belongs to him.
I wake up at 6. I get the kid his tv shows on and breakfast ready. Then I get ready for work.
On the weekends I am up before 7. My kid has only slept past 6:30 once or twice in his life. He is an alarm clock. He has me up by 6:30 every single day.
I generally wake at 5 turn on the computer dabble awhile then get busy on work tasks. After a noon power nap its play time. Being a one man LLC has advantages.
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Workdays I get up about 6:50. Shower, get the kids up and fed, read a few pages to them while they eat, finish getting myself and my 4 year old ready and then head to work by 8:00.
Up at 4:45, in the office by 6:10. On weekends I'm lucky if I can sleep until 6:00.
Man, compared to all of you go-getters, I'm a real slacker!

I'm up at 7:30am.
Help get the kid ready and to school by 8:30am.
At work by about 9:30am.
Work till 6:30 or 7:00pm.
Asleep by around 12:30am.

On the weekends I may stay up till around 1:00 or 1:30am and sleep till around 9:00 or 9:30am.
depends if I am traveling and static in a single location I am up 0400-0430, drink a monster and then off to PT. At home it is usually 0600 and same routine Unfortunately getting up at 0400 is due to the fact it takes my body an hour to function and I like to beat all the military guys into the gym so I am not waiting around for stuff.
Many days I'm wide awake by 0400-0430, which seems to be around the point that the infomercials change from male enhancement to "do you need help finding the right Medicare plan"
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During the week: Up at 6:55, let the dogs out, back in bed 7:05-7:20. Out of bed, wake up the 2yo and my wife goes in to get the 4mo.

Weekends: Same but up at 7:20, don't let the dogs out until after waking up the 2yo.
510am on work days. Get water boiling for coffee, shower, dress, get my crap together, and sneak out the house to make it to work by 6am. Weekends sleep til 730-745am.
What amazes me are the people who work out in the morning right after they wake up. I consider myself a morning person (I wake up at 5:30 and am at the office by 7/ 7:30) but if I tried working out I would have to shake the cobwebs and grab a pot of coffee first. I don't think I would get in until 9:30am. I'd much prefer getting to work earlier and starting the day. I take public transit so I do get a good amount of activity walking.
Up about 6:30, feed the dog and let her out, leave the house about 7:15a and get to the office just before 8a. Can't wait for remote life.
Depends on my work/travel schedule, usually 5/530. I very rarely even set an alarm.

If I have absolutely nothing to do, I can force myself back to sleep until about 730. Most of the time I get right up and shower and have coffee, I'm a morning shower guy, I don't take hot showers so showers wake me up, if I took a shower at night it would keep me awake another 2 hours.

I am more focused and clear in the mornings so I get most of my quality work done before about 11am.
M-F I am up at 5:20, brush my teeth and off to the gym for a 6:00 fitness class. Either Boot Camp or TRX. Weekends I sleep until about 6:30 and rarely need an alarm to wake up.
Depends on what's on my mind usually. Stressful times I'm up around 3-5am when I can't sleep anymore. If I'm relaxed then I'm up around 630 and drink coffee and do some work until the kid wakes up at 730.
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Usually (planned), alarm goes off at 4:45 and I'm up at 5 to workout (Beach Body) and/or run. Wednesday is my leave work early day, so I can have dinner with the family, so I am up and out the door by 5:45. I have had a heavy travel schedule for the past 5 months and a lot of work (including working for partners that do not understand why their disjointed emails at 4:30 am. my time are not responded to within 15 minutes) and I have really be thrown off.

What is interesting is that I have realized that I need to maintain the same sleep pattern or I get really thrown off. For example, this past weekend, the wife and I enjoyed a weekend away. We thought we were 20 again, out pretty late, a lot of drinks, sleep late....and I am still trying to recover and get back on schedule.
I don't set an alarm. Usually up somewhere between 730 and 830.

I'll check email in bed, do a quick scan of the news to see if anyone important has tweeted anything that could cause a nuclear war. If no nuclear war seems eminent I'll shower up and head to work like a good human, but if it seems likely I'll get on Bumble and swipe right on everyone before going back to bed.
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If near a filing deadline, I get up at 5:30 & am at the office by 6:15. If no pending deadline issues, I get up at 6 & am at the office by 7.

When I get out of bed, I SSS, then feed the cats, the dog, and myself, in that order (one of the cats, Fat Joey, is nipping at my ankles reminding me that fatties gotta eat; the dog's mellow, so she gets fed after him). Wake wife & kids, get them breakfast if they're hungry & make sure they're getting ready before I head out the door.
I save one of those for work. What's the saying? Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time.
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Reactions: BOwens21 gym at 5:30....back at 7am, close my eyes for 15 minutes, shower and out the door by 7:30. Work at 8.
I hardly ever wake up at the same time twice in a given week. If travelling, I'm generally up by 5 out the door by 5:30 to the airport.
When I'm on the road I try not to schedule meetings before 9 so I get up around 7:30-7:45.
On days that I'm working from home, I wake up whenever I feel like it. Generally around 8ish.

I typically stay up until 11:30 or 12 most nights