Who’s #3?

Urban Cryer

Ultimate Seminole Insider
Oct 17, 2005
they always die in 3’s, Robin Leach, John McCain.....who’s next?

Jimmy Carter?
they always die in 3’s, Robin Leach, John McCain.....who’s next?

Jimmy Carter?

Robin Leach was 76 and McCain was 81. 81 minus 76 is 5. 5 is identified as the symbol for change in Numerology. 5 is also the number for God’s Grace in the Bible. Change the Five by one letter and add it to Gods Grace and you get Grace Under Fire which came out in 1993. Change 1993 by adding the first and last two numbers together and you get 10 and 12. 10 plus 12 is 22. The 22nd President was Grover Cleveland. Grover Cleveland is most known by historians for his strict honesty, fighting patronage and classism, fighting political corruption, opposed tariffs, had a reputation for good character, vetoed laws restricting immigration on the ability to read and other intelligence tests, was caring towards the lower classes and was a classic liberal. Now.....if only there was a polar opposite to change that to which had a name with five letters....

Sorry I was on a roll, and lost it at the end. I’m sure the answer to this numerical puzzle will come to me shortly.
Keith Richards laughs and laughs

Is their a time gap rule? Based on their similar iconic levels they reached in their respective professions, the 3 here should be Franklin, McCain, and Simon.
well if you live in the Jacksonville area, chances are you count this guy as the first, and might not remember who Neal Young is..
Former Georgia Bulldog/Minnesota Viking/Pittsburgh Steeler Bobby Walden died today in Bainbridge at age 80.