Yes means Yes is FINALLY under assualt!!


Aug 1, 2001
Perhaps this is one of the best examples of what has been going on in the states that this ridicules law presides..

"A student expelled from Washington and Lee University for alleged sexual misconduct will be allowed to continue with his gender bias lawsuit against the school, U.S. District Court Judge Norman Moon ruled on Aug. 8. In the lawsuit, a Title IX officer at the school is quoted during a presentation she gave to the woman who later accused John Doe. The Title IX officer is alleged to have said “regret equals rape” and “went on to state her belief that this point was a new idea everyone, herself included, is starting to agree with.” Shortly thereafter, an allegation of misconduct was launched against John Doe. The Title IX officer played a significant role in the investigatory process".

SO, according to the gender equity police it's "FAAAAAAIR" to ruin a young mans life if you have consensual sex but regretted it later on.. On another note, is all the title IX investigators gender study majors??
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The thing that makes me most upset about this as a father of daughters is that this is going to backfire into a nasty backlash eventually. When you redefine something to the point that it's so ludicrous the public doesn't accept it, it's going to eventually weaken the ability for a woman to get traction with real claims of rape.

I'm waiting for the first case of rape based on lies...i.e. "I don't have a girlfriend" or "Yes, that's my porche" or "I used to be in NSYNC." It's not a far stretch.

It's going to be like "political correctness". Zealots went so far overboard in what they termed politically incorrect, and now people that are flat out racist or repulsive excuse their words or behavior with "Sorry, I guess I'm just not politically correct enough for you." When EVERYTHING is offensive, nothing is. See Donald Trump.

I see rape going down the same path, and it's going to be ten times worse for women to try to get justice.
Astute observations as always Lou. The end result of this hysteria (the UVA story, numerous similar stories that fall apart after student expelled, Hunting Ground movie manipulating stats and facts, etc.) will actually end up hurting the real victims of this type of rape. In some ways, it seems the universities are hurling down a slippery slope by being aggressive in expelling a student when there are no criminal charges forthcoming.
I love the law professor's certainty. The constitution trumps it all. That may be true, but it will probably take a long time and some injustice before it comes into play. Agree with the earlier poster who says that this will eventually lead to a backlash, but that too will probably take a bit of time.
I'm waiting for the first case of rape based on lies...i.e. "I don't have a girlfriend" or "Yes, that's my porche" or "I used to be in NSYNC." It's not a far stretch.
You know this isn't very far-fetched. And it's probably fairly easily to justify, if you wanted to.

If the decision to have sex with each other is an agreement, and that agreement is - like other agreements - based on a mutually understood set of information, then it would reason that if one party intentionally provided false information that was used in the other party's consideration of the agreement, then you could make the argument that the agreement (and thereby the consent to sex) was made based on a fraud that was committed.

I need to hurry and get a law degree so I can start getting my TV commercials ready!
You know this isn't very far-fetched. And it's probably fairly easily to justify, if you wanted to.

If the decision to have sex with each other is an agreement, and that agreement is - like other agreements - based on a mutually understood set of information, then it would reason that if one party intentionally provided false information that was used in the other party's consideration of the agreement, then you could make the argument that the agreement (and thereby the consent to sex) was made based on a fraud that was committed.

I need to hurry and get a law degree so I can start getting my TV commercials ready!

It's absolutely coming. People now commonly refer to the Darth Vader scene in Revenge of the Nerds as a rape scene. Small jump from there.

I'm absolutely not justifying lying to someone for sex or any other shoddy or boorish behavior. But the backlash will come if this isn't checked, and will make virtually any rape accusation of an incident that took place short of a parking garage assault by a stranger, easy to brush off with "Remember UVA?" or "Remember Mattress Girl"?

It's absolutely awful for women and real victims, just awful. This will eventually embolden predators, rather than scare them off, when all men are classified as rapists and nearly all encounters potential rape. What better shelter for a predator?
One of the feminist on Dateline said that "sex with deception is rape", which means if the women thinks you lied or in fact you DID lie it's rape. When you whittle down the meaning of rape to mean: "You said you loved me"..RAPE, "I really regret having sex with you"..RAPE, "Your selfish, I wasn't satisfied in bed"..RAPE, or the now famous (as seen in New York and California) "I had a drink, in MY opinion it effected my consent so"...RAPE!! You of course have the "you touched my butt and I didn't say you may", or "you leaned over and kissed me without asking me. It doesn't matter that I leaned over and kissed you, you didn't ask, so"..RAPE!!

The people that don't care about REAL rape victims are the ones praising the false accusers, the feminists that promote the mattress girls and the UVA girls of campuses..
Should at least have some semblance of due process in these cases. It has gotten ridiculously antimale.
let me blow you're mind. If I do have consensual sex(assumingly at the time), and then she says she regrets it, so it's now supposedly rape. Well, guess what? now I regret it too, so I got raped at the same time by that logic.
Over the years I've realized you just have to ignore the activists and true believers on any given issue.

let me blow you're mind. If I do have consensual sex(assumingly at the time), and then she says she regrets it, so it's now supposedly rape. Well, guess what? now I regret it too, so I got raped at the same time by that logic.
Went to bed at 2 with a 10 and at 10 woke up with a 2...
Over the years I've realized you just have to ignore the activists and true believers on any given issue.

Went to bed at 2 with a 10 and at 10 woke up with a 2...
Would be nice if the legal system (and the quasi-legal system the universities are turning into) would feel the same way...
When ideologs have too much power, insanity happens

The leftist ideologs now have too much power, including control of media narratives, and this is what we have

Given this group is becoming more will get worse
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Would be nice if the legal system (and the quasi-legal system the universities are turning into) would feel the same way...
Per the article, the actual legal system - not the kangaroo courts the universities are running - appearS to be getting it right. The universities will get stomped by a few courts and then the pendulum will swing back. Sometimes it just takes a little time.
Per the article, the actual legal system - not the kangaroo courts the universities are running - appearS to be getting it right. The universities will get stomped by a few courts and then the pendulum will swing back. Sometimes it just takes a little time.

The problem is that it's not just the courts, it's the law of the states and it's the demand from the White House. So universities can either toe the line or risk losing millions of federal dollars. However, SOME universities seem eager to do this. Amhurst won't even listen to evidence that not only clears him but shows her as the rapist. UVA just bought the phoney rape allegation and close the fraternities, and after it was proven to be a hoax they still keep them shut.
BTW, have you EVER heard of a women being kicked out of college for making a false rape or abuse charge?? Me neither..
Wait, so if I lied to a girl in a bar, say I told her I was Jeff Gordon's back up driver(don't laugh, it worked) I raped her? Crap, I am so going to jail. 21-26 I had a million different jobs, personalities, names... That was the fun part, inventing something and trying to keep a straight face the whole time.
Wait, so if I lied to a girl in a bar, say I told her I was Jeff Gordon's back up driver(don't laugh, it worked) I raped her? Crap, I am so going to jail. 21-26 I had a million different jobs, personalities, names... That was the fun part, inventing something and trying to keep a straight face the whole time.

think I saw your movie.
I love the consent contracts, tell me that's not a rapists DREAM!! So you convince her to sign, THEN you change into Mr Hyde, she can say no and "STOP" all she wants, but she signed on the dotted line so a contract is a contract!!
You know that's not right, so that contract is worthless when she decides that she wasn't in the right mind to sign (she did have 1/2 bottle of Bud Light), or that she felt compelled to, or that she signed but regretted it days later..