Charleston Church Shooting

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And here we have a tragedy being used to promote a political agenda. A discussion is fine but why must a tragedy be used to have the discussion.
Nothing political in my post. Are you suggesting that church goers have to pack while at worship? Is that a society that you wish to be a part of...?
Just take them rascals out in the swamp
Put 'em on their knees and tie 'em to a stump
Let the rattlers and the bugs and the alligators do the rest
- Charlie Daniels
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From the stuff they found at Mommy's house in his things I'd have to say he will be very disappointed if this is NOT called a hate crime. He would feel like he'd failed.
Nonetheless this guy is not fully sewn in.
New So, riddle me this. There is not monumental uproar about taking away someone's right to drive on public roads...whether because they age out and are deemed incompetent, violate certain standards, etc...
Why are gun owners given a lifetime pass? Why does this 21 year old get to carry in public places without passing muster? He did not have to pass a test or show ID in order to carry a .45 in a public place.
If folks like the NRA and others want to promote the right to carry, why don't they have to self police the carriers?
Why does what used to be considered an enlightened and modern society settle for this kind of crap?...

South Carolina law dictates that churches are 'gun free' zones, unless the ownership decides otherwise. The criminally insane appear to not abide by these laws, so I'm not sure why a policy of disarming the law abiding is considered enlightened.
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Kid was/is on suboxone. When is the FDA going to get a grip on how these meds doctors so freely prescribe mess people up so bad? They write the scripts knowing the serious side effects and don't do any follow up to see how the patients are reacting to them. Kid was showing signs of trouble and NOTHING was done about it...
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Nothing political in my post. Are you suggesting that church goers have to pack while at worship? Is that a society that you wish to be a part of...?

Hmmm. talking about Gun control which is exactly what your post about is definitely a political hot topic. Surely you aren't that naive. By the way, many of the other things you said were incorrect.

And no I am not suggesting church goers have to pack. But they should be allowed to if they choose to and have a concealed carry permit.

Why are gun owners given a lifetime pass? Why does this 21 year old get to carry in public places without passing muster? He did not have to pass a test or show ID in order to carry a .45 in a public place.

Gun owners are not given a lifetime pass. Get convicted of a felony or heck even get a domestic violence restraining order without having been convicted of any crime can get guns taken away.

And as someone already stated. Churches were gun free zones where he was, so guess what he didn't obey a law that was already on the books. Not really hard to figure out that someone willing to murder which is also against the law would be willing to break any other of a gazillion laws you want to put into law, including stealing guns. Granted that wasn't what happened here, but he broke at least 1 gun control law in committing this heinous crime.

If folks like the NRA and others want to promote the right to carry, why don't they have to self police the carriers?

Again political when asking about one of the largest political lobbyists there is.

Nothing political in the post. Sheesh!
Kid was/is on suboxone. When is the FDA going to get a grip on how these meds doctors so freely prescribe mess people up so bad? They write the scripts knowing the serious side effects and don't do any follow up to see how the patients are reacting to them. Kid was showing signs of trouble and NOTHING was done about it...
I don't like the tendency for some to try and pinpoint one specific thing that causes these tragedies.

Are we woefully inept when it comes to the identification and treatment of mental illness in America? Absolutely.

Have we become desensitized to racism, where someone like this can clearly be a raging bigot, and no one does anything about it or pipes up and says 'you know Dylann, what you're saying and doing isn't right...'? Most definitely. Dude seems to have had plenty of friends who not only knew he was a racist, but even knew he was planning to do something like this (how those people aren't held accountable in some way is beyond me). And I'm sure living in a state that clung to its Confederate history helped to shape his world view as well.

Is it far too easy to get a gun in this country, especially one that can do mass harm in short periods of time? Absofreakinglutely.

Do we have an overmedication problem in America fueled by greed from corporations and doctors? Most definitely.

Is it a problem that police are having to waste time policing things that aren't even crimes in many other first world countries, so they're unable to have any chance at preventing or minimizing crimes like these? Sure.

Do we have a terribly irresponsible media that fans flames, intentionally misleads if not outright lies, and/or perpetuates myths of victimization and "wars on..."? You better believe it.

And I am sure I missed something. Every single one of these things contributed to creating this monster.
Saw this morning on the news that there was a video of this nut job sitting with them during bible study. They had no clue what was about to happen next. POS....hope he has a rough life in prison.
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Shooter used an ATM in Charlotte right down the road from my house yesterday morning at 545a. Drove past the gas station at 615a, wonder if he was still there. Gave me an odd feeling when read that he was near my home.
Just another race baiter. This was not caused by street names and flags.

You don't think someone who's a mentally disturbed racist that belonged to hate groups felt a form of empowerment being surrounded by artifacts and imagery that many find as racist?
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You don't think someone who's a mentally disturbed racist that belonged to hate groups felt a form of empowerment being surrounded by artifacts and imagery that many find as racist?
Why you asking questions you already know the answer to?

This is something I'm growing sick of, having to entertain nonsense under some guise of 'it's just my opinion' or some other BS.

These people's motivations are clear, and we don't HAVE to accept or enter a debate with them any further. Many other cultures have done away with hateful and offensive symbols, and didn't give two chits what they meant to the proponents of those symbols.
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You don't think someone who's a mentally disturbed racist that belonged to hate groups felt a form of empowerment being surrounded by artifacts and imagery that many find as racist?

Not at all. There is an extremely small percentage of people in the world capable of doing what he did. He is messed up and "artifacts" is not the cause.

Do you live here? Are you talking from experience of living surrounded by this horrible imagery as I do in SC?
Kid was/is on suboxone. When is the FDA going to get a grip on how these meds doctors so freely prescribe mess people up so bad? They write the scripts knowing the serious side effects and don't do any follow up to see how the patients are reacting to them. Kid was showing signs of trouble and NOTHING was done about it...
I was not surprised at all when I read that this morning. However, the major networks make way too much money off of the drug companies so you will most likely not hear too much about this part of the story. Columbine, Sandy Hook and Aurora, CO and now this had one thing in common and that is the shooters were all on or had been on SSRIs.
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You don't think someone who's a mentally disturbed racist that belonged to hate groups felt a form of empowerment being surrounded by artifacts and imagery that many find as racist?

Probably not. Did Ted Bundy's love of pornography push him to killing women and what about Roberts who attacked an Amish school shooting 10 kids and kiling 5. What could possibly trigger Breivik in Norway to kill 85 kids at a youth camp? A psychopath empowerment comes from killing and the focus of their attacks is immaterial imo other than the press it leads to.
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I was not surprised at all when I read that this morning. However, the major networks make way too much money off of the drug companies so you will most likely not hear too much about this part of the story. Columbine, Sandy Hook and Aurora, CO and now this had one thing in common and that is the shooters were all on or had been on SSSIs.

Suboxone is used to treat opioid dependency and is not a SSRI.
Probably not. Did Ted Bundy's love of pornography push him to killing women and what about Roberts who attacked an Amish school shooting 10 kids and kiling 5. What could possibly trigger Breivik in Norway to kill 85 kids at a youth camp? A psychopath empowerment comes from killing and the focus of their attacks is immaterial imo other than the press it leads to.

We see "normal" people in the Locker Room constantly seek approval from their peers w/ a slew of different types of borderline socially iffy post and threads. There's a spectrum of mental instability and a whack job who's life is surrounded by "hate" and racism can step out of his front porch and see the confederate flag waving. It has a specific meaning to one group, and another meaning to another group and to him and his peers it has a totally different context and structure. To these types of people empowerment goes a long way to supporting their twisted mental state (even unintended empowerment).

Sure there's the "history not hate" mantra but from my experience, the older generation is much more versed in the history of the flag than their younger counterparts are (I used to ask young southerners who had the flag waving on their cars or wearing earrings or belt buckles w/ it on there - not one had any clue other than the mantra, they didn't know where it came from or it's origins). It's become a devices pop culture cliché that's lost the "history" aspect b/c the older generation isn't teaching it, just spout of the mantra and reduce it down to bumper stickers or they're ignorant themselves.

So your great great grandfather fought in the Civil War for the south, my best guess is his battalion or squad had a more regional battle flag that they flew before the unified confederate flag. One that was specific to him, his friends, his family and where he lived. Isn't that more "historical" then some watered down pop culture relic? It provokes more conversation and it allows you to teach rather then hot topic boiler plate mantras.
Suboxone is used to treat opioid dependency and is not a SSRI.
Correct but it is sometimes used as a substitute to treat depression. Not sure if that was the case here but haven't heard why this kid was on it. I guess my original statement would have been more complete had I said all of these kids had some psychological issues they were dealing with which more than likely lead to their actions.
I don't know about suboxone being used to treat depression. I do not think that is mainstream medicine, but I will defer to the experts. The initial report on from when they arrested the shooter and found the pill in an unlabeled bottle (I believe it was only one pill), the kid told the police that a friend gave it to him. It is possible that he took the drug for its numbing effects.
I don't know about suboxone being used to treat depression. I do not think that is mainstream medicine, but I will defer to the experts. The initial report on from when they arrested the shooter and found the pill in an unlabeled bottle (I believe it was only one pill), the kid told the police that a friend gave it to him. It is possible that he took the drug for its numbing effects.
I think it is also used as a street drug by kids much like they use adderal, xanax, etc. Regardless of any drug issues, all of these kids have had mental issues that were ignored or downplayed by their family and friends. Anyone that does what these people have done is not right and it is less to do about racism, bullying, etc. and more to do with their mental illnesses.
Kid has dead eyes. I have seen those eyes in sociopaths that I have known personally. There is just something missing. Hopefully someday science will be able to identify these, but I have seen enough of them to believe there is something in their genetic makeup that makes them predisposed towards evil.
What happens when
1. You speak before having all the facts.
2. You are universally ridiculed for your preposterous position.

Hmm number 1 seems to ring a bell with what happened in Furguson, Baltimore and the George Zimmerman case. It seems to me one side of the aisle really has a history of speaking before the truth comes out. Maybe the other side is just trying to catch up?
Kid was/is on suboxone. When is the FDA going to get a grip on how these meds doctors so freely prescribe mess people up so bad? They write the scripts knowing the serious side effects and don't do any follow up to see how the patients are reacting to them. Kid was showing signs of trouble and NOTHING was done about it...

Not only that, the guy's roommate is saying that he knew this guy was planning "something big" for six months, wanting to start a "race war". WHY in the name of all that is good did this roommate not tell anyone about this? I hope he has trouble sleeping at night for the rest of his life. And his family KNEW he was going around the bend. They did nothing either. I hope they can't sleep either. My heart is so troubled about this and I am just very upset about these good people's lives being lost.
Not only that, the guy's roommate is saying that he knew this guy was planning "something big" for six months, wanting to start a "race war". WHY in the name of all that is good did this roommate not tell anyone about this? I hope he has trouble sleeping at night for the rest of his life. And his family KNEW he was going around the bend. They did nothing either. I hope they can't sleep either. My heart is so troubled about this and I am just very upset about these good people's lives being lost.

Did you see the info that ABC News reported?

The shooter said he almost didn't go through with it b/c the people were so nice to him. I find it sad that he could sit there w/ this idea to start a race war and meet these incredibly kind and gracious people, in a church and not be moved to just walk away with a life changing moment.
Did you see the info that ABC News reported?

The shooter said he almost didn't go through with it b/c the people were so nice to him. I find it sad that he could sit there w/ this idea to start a race war and meet these incredibly kind and gracious people, in a church and not be moved to just walk away with a life changing moment.

Such hatred in the heart. Wonder how his childhood was, influences, etc. After my ex was shot in Tally, I had a lot of hatred and pain in me, it took a lot of time and counseling to focus that on the act and criminal himself and not at the race.
I wish the news/internet could resist showing his picture and even saying his name. His jury will know all the details necessary; I'm not sure what good it does except embolden other loonies
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I wish the news/internet could resist showing his picture and even saying his name. His jury will know all the details necessary; I'm not sure what good it does except embolden other loonies

Exactly. These people's names should get no play in the media nor should any interviews etc be given to him by the media. This merely encourages some other lunatic that wants to become infamous even if for 10 minutes.

The focus and interviews should be with the friends and family of the victims remembering the lives of those individuals.
I wish the news/internet could resist showing his picture and even saying his name. His jury will know all the details necessary; I'm not sure what good it does except embolden other loonies

Agreed. Megan Kelly on Fox last night would not say the murderers name.
I really haven't followed this story other than to know what happened. So I ask why was this punk picked up in my neck of the woods? Did he live in Shelby?
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