Game of Thrones - S6 E9 - Battle of the Bastards

Another thing to consider is that a big quest to relearn how to create magical weapons to kill the "ultimate baddies" would be too much of a ripoff of the original Dragonlance trilogy. I would hope that GRRM would be wise enough to avoid ripping off a relatively well known old property.

Are you a reader of "The Wheel of Time" You can tell there are many inspirations for A Song of Ice and Fire there by Robert Jordan.
I wonder how the Bran arc plays out? Does he see a long ago forgotten cache of weapons that that would help man when the war begins? Does Bran try to find a way to influence the children like with Hordor and warn them to not go through with the making of the walkers thus changing the futurte. Or could it be Bran be the one that while attempting to change the past ends of scaring the children and they create the walkers due to his actions?
Are you a reader of "The Wheel of Time" You can tell there are many inspirations for A Song of Ice and Fire there by Robert Jordan.

No for some reason I couldn't get into Robert Jordan for the most part. It wasn't out/popular when I was young and reading the tamer stuff like Dragonlance, Dragons of Pern, the RA Salvatore plus a few other Forgotten Realms series, Shannara and McKiernan and Dark Sun. Then when I was older I tended to read more "realistic" and gritty stuff like David Gemmell, Glen Cook, Robin Hobb, Karl Wagner, and to a lesser extent more adult takes albeit not gritty and realistic like Tad Williams and Jacqueline Carey (especially Banewreaker and Godslayer). So I got into GRRM when he was an offshoot of liking the others I listed which is why I actually have a first pressing, first edition of Game of Thrones which is now going up in value pretty rapidly.
I wonder how the Bran arc plays out? Does he see a long ago forgotten cache of weapons that that would help man when the war begins? Does Bran try to find a way to influence the children like with Hordor and warn them to not go through with the making of the walkers thus changing the futurte. Or could it be Bran be the one that while attempting to change the past ends of scaring the children and they create the walkers due to his actions?

I think Bran is going to end up being responsible for the Mad King going crazy and lining the capital with wildfire (the magical potion that causes intense green flames) and that eventually that stockpile of magical potion will be used with the stockpile of obsidian given to the Nightswatch by the children and Dany's Dragons to defeat the WhiteWalkers.
No for some reason I couldn't get into Robert Jordan for the most part. It wasn't out/popular when I was young and reading the tamer stuff like Dragonlance, Dragons of Pern, the RA Salvatore plus a few other Forgotten Realms series, Shannara and McKiernan and Dark Sun. Then when I was older I tended to read more "realistic" and gritty stuff like David Gemmell, Glen Cook, Robin Hobb, Karl Wagner, and to a lesser extent more adult takes albeit not gritty and realistic like Tad Williams and Jacqueline Carey (especially Banewreaker and Godslayer). So I got into GRRM when he was an offshoot of liking the others I listed which is why I actually have a first pressing, first edition of Game of Thrones which is now going up in value pretty rapidly.

I used to have a long commute so I got into Audiobooking.. After finishing A Dance of Dragons I have gotten into a number of other series waiting on TWOW from George. I listened to all 14 The Wheel of Time Books (15 including the short prequel) in a little over a year. Good series to be honest. That led me to Brandon Sanderson's work in which I am up to date on his Stormlight Archive series and currently listening to his Mistborn series.
I don't think George means for Dany to get to Westeros until sometime in the last book.. At that point the "others" invasion will be full force and they will be pushing south Past KL all the way to Dorne... Just a guess based on where her storyline left off and how much time it will take for the show actions to happen in the book...

You figure like 6 boring DAny chapters of them traveling to Vas Dothrak and another 5 of the happenings with the Dosh Kaleen and finally Dragon time then several chapter traveling back to Mereen... Its George's writing style that hampers the pace of his releases which is a gift and a curse.
I think Bran is going to end up being responsible for the Mad King going crazy and lining the capital with wildfire (the magical potion that causes intense green flames) and that eventually that stockpile of magical potion will be used with the stockpile of obsidian given to the Nightswatch by the children and Dany's Dragons to defeat the WhiteWalkers.
I like the theory but it seems more likely that Cersei is going to use all that wildfire to burn the city down in the finale.
I think Bran wargs into one of the dragons during battle.

I think Sam, in Old Town (in the book) or wherever he ends up in the show, will find some literature to locate a stockpile of dragon glass or Valyrian steal.

I hope Jamie slaughters the Frays in the small hall where the Red Wedding accord.

I wonder if Cersei burns the sept with dragon fire, killing Lorris and several other Tyrells (except for grandma) and, inadvertently kills Tommen.

I desperately want Jamie to escape the clutches of his sister, it's his better moment in the book and I want it to happen in the show.
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So does everyone think this image from Dany's dream is when she flies into KL to pick up the scraps after Cersei blows the place up OR after the wildfire is used(by Dany?) to annihilate the WW? Other?

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I think Cersei is using the wildfire. She has no moves left. Backed into a corner she will burn the Sept down and probably killing Tommen in the process.
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So does everyone think this image from Dany's dream is when she flies into KL to pick up the scraps after Cersei blows the place up OR after the wildfire is used(by Dany?) to annihilate the WW? Other?


if Cersei does burn something down, odds are it's the sept... and that's the throne room, which i believe is in the Red Keep... that's far across town from Baelor's sept.

my guess is that the image from her dream is after a White Walker invasion and that is snow falling through... maybe after the battle with the dragons. when i first saw that image during the original episode in which it aired (from the house of the undying in Qarth), i originally took it as a metaphor for snow, as in Jon Snow - my view point on that has definitely changed, but i still kind of feel he ties in to the vision somehow.
if Cersei does burn something down, odds are it's the sept... and that's the throne room, which i believe is in the Red Keep... that's far across town from Baelor's sept.

my guess is that the image from her dream is after a White Walker invasion and that is snow falling through... maybe after the battle with the dragons. when i first saw that image during the original episode in which it aired (from the house of the undying in Qarth), i originally took it as a metaphor for snow, as in Jon Snow - my view point on that has definitely changed, but i still kind of feel he ties in to the vision somehow.
interesting to hear other's thoughts on this my first take was it was King's Landing after it was laid waste by Dany's dragons and winter had come. But I can see the wildfire scenario
Crazy part is he's already used weapons in previous episodes. Like when the wildlings fought the white walkers. Guess can't overthink it, as he was ridiculously strong and nearly unstoppable if you gave him a giant shield and a huge weapon to use. Had to cripple his abilities a bit.


This one isn't Wun Wun, but still ...

But then we wouldn't have all the warm and fuzzies about him giving his life for Jon's cause.

However, I totally agree. No reason he didn't have some sort of shield or something.
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I think the producers basically had to kill him off for budget reasons. The CGI budget is huge, last week cost $11 million. Crew have come out and said the direwolves are being killed off for CGI expenses. Seems like reading between the lines, it was either Wun Wun or Ghost. I'll keep the last of the active direwolves and have Ghost around.
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I think the producers basically had to kill him off for budget reasons. The CGI budget is huge, last week cost $11 million. Crew have come out and said the direwolves are being killed off for CGI expenses. Seems like reading between the lines, it was either Wun Wun or Ghost. I'll keep the last of the active direwolves and have Ghost around.

Yeah, that was my understanding as well.

I prefer Dragons + Wun Wun than Dragons + Ghost. It's been a long time since we've seen a direwolf on the show.
Seriously, you have one giant. Why not give him a huge shield to hide under?
I made this point in my initial reaction to this week's episode, just plains stupid.

Is Dany telepathically connected to her dragons?

I am rooting for the three dragons to burn the ENTIRE world to the f***ing ground, Dany included!
I think the producers basically had to kill him off for budget reasons. The CGI budget is huge, last week cost $11 million. Crew have come out and said the direwolves are being killed off for CGI expenses. Seems like reading between the lines, it was either Wun Wun or Ghost. I'll keep the last of the active direwolves and have Ghost around.
Yea but last week also probably had the most CGI of any episode ever... Maybe hardhome had more? So you figure that was the largest then the average is probably 2 or 3 million. Considering they are absolutely smashing records with this show I am pretty sure they can afford it.
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I'm team Ghost and Wun Wun I guess haha. Or I should say I was on that team. I think having a shot of Ghost at Winterfell howling after the battle would have been a nice touch.
Yea but last week also probably had the most CGI of any episode ever... Maybe hardhome had more? So you figure that was the largest then the average is probably 2 or 3 million. Considering they are absolutely smashing records with this show I am pretty sure they can afford it.

Forbes and Times came out with articles saying this season averaged $10 million per episode and that previous seasons were $6 million per. They have eliminated all the direwolves except Ghost, and rarely show him. They still have the dragons to show, and have had several large scale scenes as well.
Forbes and Times came out with articles saying this season averaged $10 million per episode and that previous seasons were $6 million per. They have eliminated all the direwolves except Ghost, and rarely show him. They still have the dragons to show, and have had several large scale scenes as well.
There is no way that last week's mega episode was $11m and the average is $10m. Somebody got their facts wrong.
There is no way that last week's mega episode was $11m and the average is $10m. Somebody got their facts wrong.

You're right, I miss read the article on last week's episode, the BATTLE cost $10-11 million. I haven't found an article that has the whole episode. Here's one that goes into some detail, and any quick google search will show that articles on the average episode cost. know what i mean.

The fact is it wasn't a big deal.

I didn't mean that in any dickish way, I just didn't want you to think I had any problem with him dying... I agree that his death was honorable and I actually think he was the the MVP by getting though the gates. Just hated that he wasn't used well during the first part of the battle.
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I would love to see a GOT buddy sitcom spinoff with Jaime and Bronn traveling around all the cool little towns and weird locations in Westeros and Essos, getting in and out of all sorts of hijinx and misadventure.

Same with an Adventures of Brienne and Pod... or Tyrion and Bronn across Westeros (like of like a travel channel special)... or Arya and her Hound.
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if Cersei does burn something down, odds are it's the sept... and that's the throne room, which i believe is in the Red Keep... that's far across town from Baelor's sept.

my guess is that the image from her dream is after a White Walker invasion and that is snow falling through... maybe after the battle with the dragons. when i first saw that image during the original episode in which it aired (from the house of the undying in Qarth), i originally took it as a metaphor for snow, as in Jon Snow - my view point on that has definitely changed, but i still kind of feel he ties in to the vision somehow.

I agree. I think this prophesy shows that Dany will get the Iron throne but not until after the big war with the others and she only has ruins to rule over.
Dorne I'll grant you...but Wun Wun dying a historic, honorable death is not a problem.

Not him dying him not having a weapon at all when we have seen him swing trees people and the other Giant had a gigantic Bow and Arrow that knocked a dude off the wall.

Or This


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