Game of Thrones: Season 7 Finale

The thing that's driving me the craziest now is that there's probably at least a year and a half before we see this back on the screen again. So all of next year simply exists without any game of thrones.
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The thing that's driving me the craziest now is that there's probably at least a year and a half before we see this back on the screen again. So all of next year simply exists without any game of thrones.
I'll probably watch the whole series at least twice in that span. No way I can go that long w/out the show.
I'm pretty sure he was warging in the crows. I've not seen anything that says Bran has the ability to see the future. We have seen that he can see into the past and even potentially manipulate the past at points (ie. Hodor), and we know he can see things going on as they happen, but has there been any point in which he can view the future?

I think they mentioned in the show he could see past and present. I don't think he can see in the future.
The previous Three-eyed raven told Bran he would never walk again but he would fly.

Here is the explanation of Greensight on the Game of Thrones Wiki. Doesn't mean that the wiki is correct or that the show runners have to follow it anyway.

The writers did put the lines in last night's episode though that Bran can see past and present events.
I doubt it will be 2019. Both the showrunners and the actors have to be ready to finish to get on with other projects. Plus, isn't Season 8 only six episodes?
I doubt it will be 2019. Both the showrunners and the actors have to be ready to finish to get on with other projects. Plus, isn't Season 8 only six episodes?
I've read 2019 as well. And the 6 episodes are rumored to be feature-length episodes, so more like the 80 minute finale we just saw.
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Was listening to Emergency Awesome and just heard that filming for Season 8 with actors starts in October.
yeah, they're starting production even later than they started last year. This season was 7 episodes and they had to push the release date back due to post production. If every episode is an 80 minute episode, then it's going to take even more post production. My guess is that the earliest it could be ready is February 2019.
That would make for poor future planning on their part. They need better logistics managers.
That would make for poor future planning on their part. They need better logistics managers.

Like forcing the weather to cooperate? They are filming during winter on location to make filming easier, allowing for budget to go into CGI/other areas.
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Winter in Florid has no snow. Knight King would die here. We say the hell with winter.

These guys will figure something out. There's no way they allow momentum to stall because of weather.
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Winter in Florid has no snow. Knight King would die here. We say the hell with winter.

These guys will figure something out. There's no way they allow momentum to stall because of weather.
They've all but confirmed it. They could rush it out in late 2018, but then they're competing against some other things in pop-culture I think they'd rather not contend with. I'd wager good money on not seeing anything until the first quarter of 2019 at the earliest and most likely, 2nd quarter.
Just watched scene again where Jamie and Cersie have their "break up".

Jamie says, "I don't believe you".

Originally I thought he was referring to Cersie having Frankenstein kill him. But after further review, he was referring to her pregnancy. Jamie doesn't believe she is prego.

Did everyone else see it this way as well?
I thought he was referring to her giving the command to kill him, and he was right. She could not do it.
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If she is still pregnant at the start of season 8, that will be the longest human gestation period of all time.
Well our time doesn't correlate to show time. It will likely start with the WWs continuing the march we saw start the other night.
If she is still pregnant at the start of season 8, that will be the longest human gestation period of all time.

Spoiler alert!

The baby will be born and this is your new leader of the Iron Throne


Damn good banjo player I might add.
Since Jaime up and left, I wonder what happens with Bronn. He's probably still somewhere drinking.

I think he's going to end up sacrificing himself. It's a pretty stereotypical story arc, from mercenary out for money with just a sliver of a heart to a full fledged sacrificial hero. Let's call it the Han Solo trope.
Since Jaime up and left, I wonder what happens with Bronn. He's probably still somewhere drinking.
I read online that the actors that play Cersei and Bronn used to date, and it ended so badly that they had it written into their contracts that they never be cast in the same scene at any point...that's why Bronn took Pod for pint. Haha
I read online that the actors that play Cersei and Bronn used to date, and it ended so badly that they had it written into their contracts that they never be cast in the same scene at any point...that's why Bronn took Pod for pint. Haha

Yep that is 100% true.
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Just watched scene again where Jamie and Cersie have their "break up".

Jamie says, "I don't believe you".

Originally I thought he was referring to Cersie having Frankenstein kill him. But after further review, he was referring to her pregnancy. Jamie doesn't believe she is prego.

Did everyone else see it this way as well?
I didn't see it that way. I was thinking that no way could Cersie kill the only one who really loved her and no way she could kill the father of her only (supposedly) child.
Am I missing something with the Ned Starke vs Ser Arthur Dayne fight? Ned went there because he thought his sister was being held against her will and being raped.

To rescue her he had to fight Sword of the Morning because Dayne was there to protect Lyanna. But with the revelation of Rheagarn Targarian and Lyanna Starke actually being married and happy together there was no reason for them to fight.

I mean surely RT has to know LS would be pissed if SAD killed her brother on false pretenses. I don't get why SAD disnt just tell NS to go up there and have a chat with his sister and this will all make sense.
no, you aren't missing anything important, beyond all the Robert Baratheon implications. Ned's dad and older brother were killed by the Mad King because they bitched too much about Lyanna's "kidnapping" so the entire drama could have been avoided had the Targaryens acted more sensibly.
Yes. So many egos. Robert would never believe that she wasn't kidnapped and raped. Lyanna was promised to him and he genuinely loved her. The fighting had already started. Mad King was doing Mad King things. There was no stopping it at that point.
Am I missing something with the Ned Starke vs Ser Arthur Dayne fight? Ned went there because he thought his sister was being held against her will and being raped.

To rescue her he had to fight Sword of the Morning because Dayne was there to protect Lyanna. But with the revelation of Rheagarn Targarian and Lyanna Starke actually being married and happy together there was no reason for them to fight.

I mean surely RT has to know LS would be pissed if SAD killed her brother on false pretenses. I don't get why SAD disnt just tell NS to go up there and have a chat with his sister and this will all make sense.

We still don't know who all knew about the marriage. We've only found out because of the personal diary of a maester. The Tower of Joy battle was after Rhaeger had been killed by Robert at the Battle of the Trident and after Jamie killed the Mad King and Robert taking the iron throne.
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I'm still confused on the timeline regarding Jon's parents. I didn't think Rhaegar was old enough to be near the same age as Ned Stark. I thought it was the Mad King that wedded Lyanna. Then JS and DT would be cousins, not aunt/nephew.
Then you fast forward to Dany and Rhaegar's exile and they appear to be no more than 10 years apart.