How did you feel when you turned 40 years old?


Jan 27, 2023
Near Washington D.C.
I am going to be 40 in a couple months. Halfway to eternity.

I feel pretty good about it. I accomplished most of my goals: I traveled the world, graduated from college, tried to give. My 20's were brutal mostly because of the 2008 recession and my 30's were much better.

It takes some luck to live to 40. I've driven 350,000 miles in my cars without a major accident.

I have no wife, kids or pets so I'm not focused on my kid's futures since they don't exist. I'm pretty grateful for that given the state of the world and decline of American society.

My only life goal left is to attain the Beatific Vision in the afterlife. Eternal joy. I pray about 5 hours a day.

How did you feel when you turned 40?

Good, bad, indifferent?

Did you have a midlife crisis?
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I had dreaded it for a few years. However, when the day finally arrived, it was just another day.

I have had a great life. God has blessed me tremendously. I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 24, wish I had done it much earlier in life. I was blessed with cancer at the age of 31. Then God blessed me again by removing the cancer from me. My wife had a miscarriage and I nearly committed suicide because of it.

By the time the age 40 rolled around, I felt like I had pretty much already lived a full life...LOL.

All in all, God really has blessed my family and me. I would not change anything about it. I no longer dread any birthdays. I feel more and more blessed just to wake up each day.

My advice to everyone is not to take anything for granted. I know a man that is 81 years old and owned a funeral home. He made a great deal of money and had a pretty good life. He just sold the funeral home a couple of weeks ago and was supposed to move all of his belongings out of it yesterday. Well, Monday of this week he slipped and fell in a grocery store and broke his back. He was in the trauma center until today and he just passed away a few hours ago.

We never know what is around the corner. Life is always better if you have Jesus to help you through each day.

I pray that you enjoy your 40th birthday and that you will continue to be blessed.
I had dreaded it for a few years. However, when the day finally arrived, it was just another day.

I have had a great life. God has blessed me tremendously. I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 24, wish I had done it much earlier in life. I was blessed with cancer at the age of 31. Then God blessed me again by removing the cancer from me. My wife had a miscarriage and I nearly committed suicide because of it.

By the time the age 40 rolled around, I felt like I had pretty much already lived a full life...LOL.

All in all, God really has blessed my family and me. I would not change anything about it. I no longer dread any birthdays. I feel more and more blessed just to wake up each day.

My advice to everyone is not to take anything for granted. I know a man that is 81 years old and owned a funeral home. He made a great deal of money and had a pretty good life. He just sold the funeral home a couple of weeks ago and was supposed to move all of his belongings out of it yesterday. Well, Monday of this week he slipped and fell in a grocery store and broke his back. He was in the trauma center until today and he just passed away a few hours ago.

We never know what is around the corner. Life is always better if you have Jesus to help you through each day.

I pray that you enjoy your 40th birthday and that you will continue to be blessed.


Thanks. I'll say a rosary for you tonight.
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I am going to be 40 in a couple months. Halfway to eternity.

I feel pretty good about it. I accomplished most of my goals: I traveled the world, graduated from college, tried to give. My 20's were brutal mostly because of the 2008 recession and my 30's were much better.

It takes some luck to live to 40. I've driven 350,000 miles in my cars without a major accident.

I have no wife, kids or pets so I'm not focused on my kid's futures since they don't exist. I'm pretty grateful for that given the state of the world and decline of American society.

My only life goal left is to attain the Beatific Vision in the afterlife. Eternal joy. I pray about 5 hours a day.

How did you feel when you turned 40?

Good, bad, indifferent?

Did you have a midlife crisis?
Sorry I can’t remember that far back. I turn 70 in a few months.
40 didn't bother me at all. Life was good. I had two successful companies going. My home life was great. The future was still in front of me. 50 was another story.
I had a hard time with 50. The number itself was scary. And I had difficulty with 30 for the fact I had to come to the realization that I was a grown up. Forty I didn’t mind at all. Was in a good place and felt comfortable and somewhat accomplished. Turns out the following decade was the most growth I have experienced in my lifetime.
I never really notice my birthday, and I often forget my age.

I do not really remember what I did for my 30th or 40th. The only thing related to age that I recall was hoping to finish my degree before I turned 30.

The only thing that I recall changing when I turned 40 was my eyesight and hearing got worse and I started falling asleep a lot earlier in the evenings.

How old are you now?
I will be 27 again tomorrow. I don't think about age much aand don't remember my 2nd 20th birthday. I did go to Hawaii for my 2nd 25th birthday and had a fabulous time.

Time really does fly. While I am not that active at home, I love doing things that I shouldn't on vacation. My daughter keeps me young and I can't believe that I am old enough to think about early retirement.
Life was good at 40. I was in about the best physical condition of my life, making better money than I'd ever made, and was awaiting the upcoming birth of my first child (who was born one month after I turned 40).

I turn 60 in about 6 weeks. It will be odd being the same age as old people.
40 didn't bother me at all. Life was good. I had two successful companies going. My home life was great. The future was still in front of me. 50 was another story.
Interesting, because 50 is the one that bothered me most as well. It was a rough patch of time and I actually sat at my desk at work and cried a little.
I’ve passed two decades since and at this point I’m grateful for every day and what the Lord has given me.
Interesting, because 50 is the one that bothered me most as well. It was a rough patch of time and I actually sat at my desk at work and cried a little.
I’ve passed two decades since and at this point I’m grateful for every day and what the Lord has given me.
This moving poignant message has just left me misty eyed.... 😢 Exactly, how grateful are you? Asking for a 87 year old friend; who is hell on wheels with his infrared rolling walker aka his new Bitchin' Ride. You just don't want to be messin' with that Satchsquatch! Do you fancy Beef Jerky in your mature years? Again, same damn friend keeps asking. :cool:
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Interesting, because 50 is the one that bothered me most as well. It was a rough patch of time and I actually sat at my desk at work and cried a little.
I’ve passed two decades since and at this point I’m grateful for every day and what the Lord has given me.
The decade following my 50th found me in an operating room nine times and I'm not a medical professional.
I am going to be 40 in a couple months. Halfway to eternity.

I feel pretty good about it. I accomplished most of my goals: I traveled the world, graduated from college, tried to give. My 20's were brutal mostly because of the 2008 recession and my 30's were much better.

It takes some luck to live to 40. I've driven 350,000 miles in my cars without a major accident.

I have no wife, kids or pets so I'm not focused on my kid's futures since they don't exist. I'm pretty grateful for that given the state of the world and decline of American society.

My only life goal left is to attain the Beatific Vision in the afterlife. Eternal joy. I pray about 5 hours a day.

How did you feel when you turned 40?

Good, bad, indifferent?

Did you have a midlife crisis?

I had no issues and no midlife crisis at 40. When I hit 45 I was fine as well. But when I hit 46 suddenly my eyesight got %*%*y, every joint aches and my back is stiff. I think aged about 30 years in that one year.
I am going to be 40 in a couple months. Halfway to eternity.

I feel pretty good about it. I accomplished most of my goals: I traveled the world, graduated from college, tried to give. My 20's were brutal mostly because of the 2008 recession and my 30's were much better.

It takes some luck to live to 40. I've driven 350,000 miles in my cars without a major accident.

I have no wife, kids or pets so I'm not focused on my kid's futures since they don't exist. I'm pretty grateful for that given the state of the world and decline of American society.

My only life goal left is to attain the Beatific Vision in the afterlife. Eternal joy. I pray about 5 hours a day.

How did you feel when you turned 40?

Good, bad, indifferent?

Did you have a midlife crisis?
LOL.........the same as I felt the day before.
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I have a few years until I’m there. What should I do in the meantime?
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Sorry, I began picking my nose at 40 and I can’t seem to remember things too well these days

So maybe a pic of “ itch”
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